It's the Little Things.....

Written by windsong

It'srepparttar Little Things.... by windsong

Optimizing forrepparttar 128050 search engines doesn't have to be a tough job. But you need to pay attention to detail. It is oftenrepparttar 128051 little things that you do to your pages that will improve your ranking inrepparttar 128052 search engines. Sometimes, it's alsorepparttar 128053 little things that can get you banned fromrepparttar 128054 same search engines. Pay close attention. First we will cover some things you can do to improve your ranking. Then we will get into what not to do.

* Did you know that some search engines readrepparttar 128055 alt tags in your images? You don't have alt tags? Better include them in all your images. These tags were originally meant for browers that don't support images. This way, people with older browsers would have an idea of whatrepparttar 128056 image is about. However, you can place keywords in these tags. Use 2 or 3 word keyword phrases, as this is what most people search for. If your site does not have images, Don't despair. You can use a 1x1 pixel clear image, (which doesn't show up on your page) just to give yourself a place to includerepparttar 128057 alt tag. Use these images as spacers.

* Your pages are probably peppered with headlines here and there. Instead of just using a larger font size for these headlines, use header tags instead. ( H1, H2, etc.) Search engines think thatrepparttar 128058 most important information is inrepparttar 128059 header tags. Be sure to place your most important keywords here. If you don't have headlines on your site, start using them. This is better than meta keywords!

* The most important meta tag isrepparttar 128060 title tag. Your title tag is withinrepparttar 128061 head tag. It is what shows up on your search engine listing and inrepparttar 128062 title bar atrepparttar 128063 top of your browser window. It is a must that you place your very best keywords here. Don't just put keywords inrepparttar 128064 title tag. It must make sense. Most search engines put a very stong emphasis onrepparttar 128065 title tag. Get it right and get listed.

* Use comment tags throughout you pages, especially nearrepparttar 128066 top. The search engines like to read these, and by having keywords, keyword phrases, and other pertinent data here you will boost your ranking. Comment tags do not show up on your page. They only appear inrepparttar 128067 code. A comment tag begins with < !--- and ends with --- > Be sure to leave a space betweenrepparttar 128068 tags and repparttar 128069 text.

* Probablyrepparttar 128070 best boost in ranking that you can give yourself is a domain name. Some search engines won't index your site if you don't have a domain name, and they put a lot of weight on your domain name. Do you know what your domain name should be? *Your very top keyword or phrase.* Preferably something short and memorable. Don't get cute with domain names by using numbers and letters for words (u for you, 4 for for, 2 for to). Keep it simple so it makes sense torepparttar 128071 search engines.

Using Keywords in the Body: Put Them Here, Put Them There, Put Them Everywhere!

Written by Janet L. Hall

Using Keywords inrepparttar Body: Put Them Here, Put Them There, Put Them Everywhere! By: Janet L. Hall

The keywords you are using MUST be reflected inrepparttar 128049 page content,repparttar 128050 BODY, ofrepparttar 128051 web page you are trying to improve or build.

There are many places you can, and should place your keywords to help you get a higher ranking inrepparttar 128052 search engines; remember, this isrepparttar 128053 ultimate goal. People searching for you WON’T find you if you don’t use your keywords throughout your web page!

TOP Seven Areas to Place Your Keywords inrepparttar 128054 BODY of Your Web Pages:

1.Beginning and nearrepparttar 128055 top of web page. 2.Headlines (Headings) and Subtitles. 3.Links. 4.Site Address in Links. 5.Name of Images. 6.ALT (Image) TAGS. 7.Background Images.

This month we'll look atrepparttar 128056 top first four, one at a time, and next month we'll finish up withrepparttar 128057 last three.

We continue building and organizing your web page from last time by insertingrepparttar 128058 BODY TAG: This TAG is automatically inserted for you by FrontPage and probably other web page design software after your ending or closing HEAD TAG

1. Beginning and nearrepparttar 128059 top of web page : Here you want to type in a paragraph, or more, of information about your services, products, or yourself, being sure to incorporate and userepparttar 128060 KEYWORDS you have selected for that page. Get your most important and relevant keywords as close torepparttar 128061 top of your web page.

Many designers and beginners put logos, images, or banners nearrepparttar 128062 top of their web page. Bad mistake! This can cause some ofrepparttar 128063 search engine spiders to be “caught inrepparttar 128064 web,” so to speak. They can’t readrepparttar 128065 image, so they stop retrieving information from your web page and web site; they move on to another web site to spider. They might be able to retrieverepparttar 128066 first few lines on that page, and those lines of text might get used asrepparttar 128067 description of your site when someone is searching for you. Since search engines seem to be in a constant change of what they want, it’s important that your first few lines of text be your most important information, with your most important keywords in there!

According to, “Makerepparttar 128068 first 25 words in repparttar 128069 body of your page keyword rich…Spread your keyword phrases throughoutrepparttar 128070 body ofrepparttar 128071 page in natural sounding paragraphs. Put a keyword atrepparttar 128072 end of your body text as well.”

Another trick you might try to boost your keyword relevance is by putting your keyword phrases in bold in your BODY text.

2. Headlines (Headings) and Subtitles: The headlines, subtitles, and titles inrepparttar 128073 BODY of your web page are considered headings. Not to be confused with repparttar 128074 HEAD TAG I wrote about in issue 5 of OverHall IT! ( )

Heading TAGS are numbered, one,

, beingrepparttar 128075 most important and largest. The Heading TAG is written as:



, and so on. The ending or closing TAG is written as:

, , , and so on.

Heading TAG Sample:

OverHall IT!

3. Links are usually presented on your web page as blue text and underlined. Links to other pages on your web site or to another web site are always writtenrepparttar 128076 same, withrepparttar 128077 exception that you placerepparttar 128078 web address (URL) ofrepparttar 128079 web site or page that you want people to go to. It is also another place you can place your keywords. Below is an example of a link to my web’s home page:

Click here to get organized

Noticerepparttar 128080 opening TAG is andrepparttar 128081 closing TAG is . Afterrepparttar 128082 first quotation sign you type inrepparttar 128083 web site address or web page you are linking to. Next, insert another quotation mark, then a bracket, after which you typerepparttar 128084 text that you want to be blue, underlined, and containing your keywords;repparttar 128085 words that a person will click on to move torepparttar 128086 web site or page you have linked to. Then your closing TAG .

Here is an example of linking from my home page to another: O rganizing tips and Organizing articles

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