It's Broke, Sam - Time To Fix It!

Written by Robert M. Ziegler

This isrepparttar second article I have written this week (bearingrepparttar 111057 same title). Although it relates to a different subject, it still stressesrepparttar 111058 fact that there is definitely something wrong with some of our laws, and with some ofrepparttar 111059 people who enforce them, when protecting someone's freedom of speech is afforded a higher priority than protectingrepparttar 111060 mind of an innocent child. How much longer are Americans going to sit by and letrepparttar 111061 will ofrepparttar 111062 minority rulerepparttar 111063 lives ofrepparttar 111064 majority? Our

How Optimism can Help – or Hurt – Your Marriage

Written by Dr. Tony Fiore

Beth and Tom were happily married for over 25 years – no small feat in today’s world. At first, their friends could not understand how their marriage succeeded, due to numerous perceived shortcomings.

However, closer scrutiny of their marriage revealed that it was their thinking patterns –repparttar ways they explained and interpreted their partner’s behavior to themselves – that strengthened, rather than weakened, their marriage.

Tom’s lack of self-confidence? No problem! This only made Beth feel very caring toward him. His stubbornness and obstinacy? Again Beth explained this to herself as “I respect him for his strong beliefs and it helps me have confidence in our relationship.”

Beth’s jealousy? Tom told himself: “This is a marker of how important my presence is in her life.” Beth’s shyness? No problem! Tom liked it because “she does not force me into revealing things about myself that I don’t want to… this attracts me to her even more.”

Marriage and health

Numerous studies have shown thatrepparttar 111056 health of your marriage plays a major role in determining your overall physical health. Healthy marriage – healthy body!

Hold on to your illusions

Being able to see things in your mate that your friends don’t is a very positive predictor of marital success according to recent research by a professor atrepparttar 111057 State University of New York. Remarkably, satisfied couples see virtues in their partners that are not seen by their closest friends.

In contrast to this ‘illusion’ by happy couples, dissatisfied couples have a ‘tainted image’ of each other; they see fewer virtues in their mates than their friends do.

The happiest couples look onrepparttar 111058 bright side ofrepparttar 111059 relationship (optimism). They focus on strengths rather than weaknesses and believe that bad events that might threaten other couples do not affect them.

But what if you are an optimist and your partner is a pessimist? That can work! Or,repparttar 111060 other way around? That can work too!

However, two pessimists married to each other place their marriage in jeopardy because when an untoward event occurs, a downward spiral may follow.

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