It's All Very Good

Written by Michael D. Pollock

So there they were. Thousands of years ago. Walking aboutrepparttar Garden of Eden in complete freedom. Naked and unashamed. It was Paradise. Literally. The word Eden is synonymous with "paradise" and is related to a Hebrew word meaning "bliss" or "delight."

If you remember this Bible story, you know that God had just previously - over a seven day period - createdrepparttar 123833 entire universe. Everything. Including man, who was created onrepparttar 123834 sixth day.

Atrepparttar 123835 end ofrepparttar 123836 sixth day, God gazed upon all that had been created and deemed it ALL to be simply and completely . . .

V-E-R-Y G-O-O-D.

All was well inrepparttar 123837 Garden until that one fateful moment, when, in an instant, mankind stepped out of it's blissful state of paradise into a world split downrepparttar 123838 middle. At one end lie "goodness." Atrepparttar 123839 other end lie "evil-ness."

SIDEBAR: This is a bit confusing. Didn't God say everything was very good? How could there even be "evil" at this point? And if there was "evil," wouldn't God have created that? And if God did create it, wouldn't it also be "very good" just like everything else? Back to our story . . .

How didrepparttar 123840 split between good and evil occur? Simple. Mankind chose, against God's better advice, to eatrepparttar 123841 fruit fromrepparttar 123842 "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil."

Said another way, mankind chose to know "good" and "evil." Mankind chose to put itself in a place of judgment between what was good and what was not good.

Most of us make that choice -repparttar 123843 choice to know "good" and "bad" each and every day.

Each day, we're choosing to know good and evil or good and bad. And each time we make that choice, we step out of bliss and paradise.

Judgment itself is not good or bad. It just is. It serves a useful purpose in society as it's currently structured. But if you want to get back to bliss and paradise, it can serve as quite an obstacle.

So what does all this have to do with you and your life?

Stick with me here.

I have a client in London who buys run-down houses, fixes them up and sells them for more than she paid for them. She literally causesrepparttar 123844 value ofrepparttar 123845 property to appreciate (important word).

She takes whatrepparttar 123846 Universe offers - a "dumpy" house - and she appreciates it. When she's done appreciating it, she gives it back torepparttar 123847 Universe for someone else to appreciate even more (or not).

Do You Have Expertitis?

Written by John Colanzi

I'm starting to wonder if anyone thinks for themselves anymore.

We're given this fabulous bio-computer called a brain and rather than use it, we blindly followrepparttar so called experts.

Folks, everything you need is already inside you. You've gotrepparttar 123832 wisdom ofrepparttar 123833 ages, right between your ears.

Why would anyone throw away that power?

You arerepparttar 123834 only person that reapsrepparttar 123835 rewards, or suffers losses when you take action.

When you come to an informed decision and it works, you have learned another method to capitalize on.

If you blindly follow someone else's thinking, do you have to wait for them to come up with another pearl before you act?

Worse yet, if they're wrong, you not only sufferrepparttar 123836 loss, you haven't learned a thing.

Do you want to know how to be a stock expert?

Here's exactly how it's done. Gather 100 or 200 of your clients. Tell half to buy a volatile stock and tellrepparttar 123837 other half to sell.

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