It's All About Choice

Written by David Nelmes

David NelmesWith Christmas coming soon, many aroundrepparttar world will beginrepparttar 126809 celebration ofrepparttar 126810 birth of Christ,repparttar 126811 one who broughtrepparttar 126812 message of peace torepparttar 126813 earth. The one who showed himself to be like us, yet who showed us we can be likerepparttar 126814 Father as well.

There are many questions and assumptions about his life and what he did and what it all meant. Because man hasrepparttar 126815 acquired talent to embellish any story given him, it's difficult to say that any particular story is totally correct torepparttar 126816 degree in which it is written.

With this in mind, then we can instead, look atrepparttar 126817 spirit ofrepparttar 126818 message and not justrepparttar 126819 message itself, but to seerepparttar 126820 spirit ofrepparttar 126821 message and to deduce those stories that don't fit well, we need to create a base upon which to believe.

It's All About Choice - You can choose to accept this world as man has made it, or you can do as Jesus did and choose to see things differently. Having chosen to see things differently, God was able to help Jesus grow spiritually to a level never seen before, and not seen again...but in time, we will see this again in all of us.I have chosenrepparttar 126822 base upon which Godrepparttar 126823 Father is all loving, all peaceful and all creating. Any other version or description of God that I come across is simply viewed as an error in perception. Any view that does not share these truths about God can only be an error of man. There is no other alternative.

With God being viewed as perfect love and perfect peace, many ofrepparttar 126824 manmade versions of him simply have to go. The concepts that God can be angry, jealous, fearful, paranoid, unsure, debatable or dissatisfied, are all versions of God that man created, because a God who is perfect love and perfect peace, can't have those other traits. It's not possible.

In one respect, you have to consider that much of what you have been taught about God, is in error to some degree. If you believe there is any reason at all to fear God or if you view him as a being that is looking for opportunities to test you and wager your actions withrepparttar 126825 devil, you really need to take a closer look at what having a God of love really means. The God man envisions, is not a God of love, but a God of punishment and oppression. It's mans own reflection...not Gods face.

A God of love can only look at you with an amazing light and warmth that can never be subdued. He can only ever want to help you and aid you. He can only ever want to keep you close and spend eternity with what went wrong? Why do these things not occur? Why doesn't he step down from heaven and help us if we're not supposed to be fearful? If he is so loving, why are all things as they are?

There was an eternity where we knew we were withrepparttar 126826 Father and then we made another choice. We made an error and chose to try to do something apart from him. Since it is not possible to do anything apart fromrepparttar 126827 Father, this totally confused and upside down version of a reality came into being. This universe, this physical thing we call "real" is really just a lonely shadow of what our true spirts are. Because we think we are physical and because we think God is angry at us for trying to create apart from him, we have evaded him for millennia on end, but he has never lost site of us.

God wants us all back, but we were created with free will and it is this free will that God will not circumvent, so it's not that he has chosen to stay away, but he is respecting our desire to want to be in this reality. It's all about choice. You can choose to accept this world as man has made it, or you can do as Jesus did and choose to see things differently. Having chosen to see things differently, God was able to help Jesus grow spiritually to a level never seen before, and not seen again...but in time, we will see this again in all of us. None of us are excluded from some day remembering our true selves and returning torepparttar 126828 Father.

When man writes downrepparttar 126829 events of history, he can only write things inrepparttar 126830 best way

Rock solid teaching from the Holy Spirit

Written by James Sorrell

Rock solid teaching [sound doctrine] fromrepparttar Holy Spirit, with such topics as: "Who is God??", "A new fact about Jesus Christ", "Sunset inrepparttar 126808 Garden of Eden", "LOVE isrepparttar 126809 Real Thing", "What's wrong withrepparttar 126810 human race? A remedy!!", "The useless War ofrepparttar 126811 Sexes", "Who'srepparttar 126812 guide,repparttar 126813 Holy Spirit or us??", "Water baptism is NOT from God anymore!", "Tongues passed away", "3 'cults'", "True Spirituality", "The reason

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