Is your Computer a friend or a Dirty Name?

Written by Larry Mc Lemore

I am sitting here laughing and wishing I could hearrepparttar answers that each of you may have forrepparttar 107148 above question. Sometimes trying to get a computer to do what it is supposed to do, is like trying to nail jello to a tree. You might ask, why would someone want to nail jello to a tree? I don't know, I heard that somewhere and thought it would be fun to use here. At any rate, I am here to defend you against your computer and to also defend your computer against you. We can compare our computer to our bodies. It basis it's function on what we feed it. If you feed your body something bad, then it will feel bad and not functionrepparttar 107149 way it is supposed to. Wellrepparttar 107150 computer reactsrepparttar 107151 same way, if you feed it something that is not compatible with what is already in it, then it might not function right. How do we know if something is bad for it? Well this isrepparttar 107152 part where I defend you, sometimes there is just no way to tell until after we have already installed it onrepparttar 107153 computer. Most places that you download from will list what operating systems (Windows 98,XP,etc.)that their software will run on, so look for that listing before you download. Of course they have no way of knowing what you already have installed on your computer and there may be a program already on your computer that has a conflict with their's. Even if they knew what was on your computer they might not know that there is going to be a conflict, until you tell them. Then they may be able to come up with a fix forrepparttar 107154 problem. If you find your computer acting funny just after a download, then uninstall it as quickly as possible.

5 Easy Ways To Speed Up Your Laptop

Written by Cody Kahl

Does your notebook seem slower than molasses these days? Do you often find yourself coming torepparttar point of heartache and even yelling a few choice words at your machine? If so, thenrepparttar 107147 simple steps listed in this article are for you.

In this article we will take a look at some ofrepparttar 107148 easiest things that you can do to automatically speed up your laptop. And as a bonus, all of these tips can be done for free!

1.) Defrag - How can defragging your hard drive speed up your notebook? Maybe by explaining how a defrag works, you will see how important it is.

When your hard drive is new and has no data on it, things get stored in blocks easily. When files and/or programs are stored in nice chunks, they can get accessed quickly – This is why your hard drive is blazing fast inrepparttar 107149 beginning. As time goes on things start to slow down. Files get deleted and this creates empty blocks inrepparttar 107150 hard drive.

New files and programs will get saved to these empty blocks, only they aren’t all together – They are spread out. When files/programs are spread out among different blocks of storage, they get accessed much slower. Defragmenting your hard drive brings related files and programs back into a nice big block. This is achieved because your computer knows which files and programs are related through their address.

2.) Empty Recycle Bin – This one is pretty self explanatory, and may even seem like a non issue. Maybe it is, but there are plenty of people that keep their recycle bins full, allrepparttar 107151 time. If something is inrepparttar 107152 recycle bin, you might as well empty it.

3.Erase Temporary Files – The internet as well as your operating system often store temporary files in special folders. These temporary files are just that, temporary, but they often stay on your computer for a number of days or even indefinitely. I don’t recommend going and deleting stuff in folders if you are unsure of what you are doing. Thankfully though, there are many programs out there that will go through and delete unnecessary files for you.

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