Is the Internet history’s greatest hoax?

Written by Glenn Murray

For a while there,repparttar Internet andrepparttar 139763 World Wide Web showed great promise. They whispered sweet nothings in our ears, promising to berepparttar 139764 voice ofrepparttar 139765 marginalized, repparttar 139766 new democracy,repparttar 139767 great equalizer.

But it wasn’t to be, forrepparttar 139768 Internet has a new master. No, it’s not Google. No, it’s not Microsoft. And no, it’s not even good ole’ Uncle Sam. They’re just caretakers. The Internet’s new master is bigger than they’ll ever be, and far, far older.

Meetrepparttar 139769 master

The Internet’s new master isrepparttar 139770 same master who holdsrepparttar 139771 leash of all traditional commercial media.

The Internet’s new master is money and power. Notrepparttar 139772 capacity to earn money orrepparttar 139773 capacity to increase power (although those are certainly nice fringe-benefits). No,repparttar 139774 Internet’s new master isrepparttar 139775 moneyed, powerful collective. Those who simultaneously mould and reflect ‘mainstream’ opinion, values, and behavior.

I suppose we should have foreseen it, givenrepparttar 139776 Internet’s military birthplace. But then, we were young and optimistic, and boy did we want to believe!

A little melodramatic? Perhaps. But fairly accurate nonetheless. Let me explain...

The early promise of equity

The Internet started out as a network of computers set up for military purposes. To cut a long story short, repparttar 139777 World Wide Web started out simply because it could; repparttar 139778 Internet was there to host it, andrepparttar 139779 technology was there to deliver it. Both were heralded asrepparttar 139780 new face of democracy – at long last,repparttar 139781 voiceless had a voice.

Of course, even in those heady days, we all recognized some fundamental practical and technological limitations which really threw a spanner inrepparttar 139782 works forrepparttar 139783 ‘New World Orderless’ theory. To begin with,repparttar 139784 great majority ofrepparttar 139785 world’s population didn’t even have access to a computer, much less own one with Internet access. In fact, that was stillrepparttar 139786 case even afterrepparttar 139787 new master tookrepparttar 139788 reins (and probably still is).

But we had faith inrepparttar 139789 Internet’s potential. I even wrote a paper inrepparttar 139790 mid 90s discussingrepparttar 139791 Internet’s promise for empowerment, and I quote:

“Being such a decentralized, anonymous form of communication,repparttar 139792 Internet offers great opportunities torepparttar 139793 world’s oppressed – improved (anonymous if desired) communications capabilities, and better access to more sources of local and international news, to name just a couple. Atrepparttar 139794 same time,repparttar 139795 Internet poses great threats torepparttar 139796 world’s existing media and political powers, not only because ofrepparttar 139797 re-distribution of information (and, therefore, power) torepparttar 139798 populace, but also because ofrepparttar 139799 apparent impracticality (impossibility?) of regulatingrepparttar 139800 information flowing in and out of any country.”

Alas, I did not seerepparttar 139801 Internet’s true potential for censorship and control... Content.

He who wields content is king

We often hear that “content is king”. The logic ofrepparttar 139802 argument is as follows. For some time now, repparttar 139803 lion’s share (some 80%) of Internet traffic torepparttar 139804 average website has been coming fromrepparttar 139805 major search engines. What’s more, when people use search engines, they rarely look pastrepparttar 139806 second page of search results. Additionally, research suggests that being number 1 in Google equates to twice as much traffic as being number 2. This means you need to rank inrepparttar 139807 first two pages ofrepparttar 139808 major search engines – ideally at number 1 – before your voice begins to be heard. The only way to reachrepparttar 139809 top ofrepparttar 139810 search engines is to have thousands of links back to your website from other websites. There are two ‘reliable’ ways of achieving this goal:

  1. Publish helpful information on your website and constantly update it so that others link to your site because it’s so great – keep ‘eyes on paper’. Some popular methods include news sites, BLOGS, folksonomies, journals, e-newsletters, and customizable web portals like Google Personalized, which allows visitors to choose (from a pre-determined selection) what they see, e.g. news, email, weather, stocks, etc.
  2. Write helpful articles and let publishers of newsletters and ezines use them for free – onrepparttar 139811 proviso that they link back to your site. (These articles are quite often written by SEO copywriters, and they need to be submitted to established article banks, from which they are gathered by online publishers for free.)

In other words, to reachrepparttar 139812 top ofrepparttar 139813 search engines, you need to publish virtual reams and reams of high quality, informed content (i.e. copy). And you need to keep doing it indefinitely.

Onrepparttar 139814 basis of this evidence,repparttar 139815 saying that “content is king” has become somewhat of a truism. But when we look closely,repparttar 139816 saying is inaccurate. There’s nothing wrong withrepparttar 139817 logic; it’srepparttar 139818 conclusion that’srepparttar 139819 problem. In reality, content is no more king than wasrepparttar 139820 sword. In reality, he who wields repparttar 139821 content is king (and I say “he” with intent, asrepparttar 139822 wielder is generally male or some patriarchal organization).

And who wieldsrepparttar 139823 content? Only those withrepparttar 139824 social power to command an education andrepparttar 139825 money to indulge inrepparttar 139826 time-consuming task of researching, writing, and publishing said content (or those who haverepparttar 139827 budget and foresight to engage an SEO copywriter).

Wielding content is getting harder

Make Money Online - Latest Scam Disclosed

Written by Bordu Silviu

Before we start, I want to make it clear that this article is about scammers that affect people who make money online by selling digital products, like e-books, software, etc. and have a refund policy, because we have a rather long way untilrepparttar end and, if you are selling physical product or you money online through affiliate programs that don't involve a refund policy it's probably just a waste of time.

In this article, I'll talk aboutrepparttar 139762 "refund policy scammers". Lately, more and more people started to talk about them on forums and came out with different solutions, which we will discuss inrepparttar 139763 second part ofrepparttar 139764 article, "Make Money Online - Defend Against The Latest Scam".

"Refund policy" scammers, as I stated inrepparttar 139765 beginning, affectrepparttar 139766 people that make money online by selling digital products (software, e-books for eg.). Now, you're probably wondering what's their "modus operandi". Well, it's very simple. They just find websites that sell digital products and have a 100% money back guarantee, buyrepparttar 139767 product and then they tell you they want a refund because of crappy reasons, sometimes even impossible ones (they ask for a refund only minutes after they boughtrepparttar 139768 product), but inrepparttar 139769 same time they keeprepparttar 139770 products.

More and more people who make money online with this kind of websites are complaining about these incredibly immoral scammers. You will find posts like: "I received this e-mail just one minute after they bought my e-book: "I am really disappointed about your e-book, I read it and it doesn't say anything new for me. Please give me a refund." And my e-book contains 80 pages", "I am sorry but your script doesn't show me any results. Please give me a refund." I received this e-mail just one day after he bought and my script usually show results after about 30 days "

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