Is reciprocal linking dead?

Written by Mark White

Is reciprocal linking dead? By Mark White

There was a time when reciprocal linking was a number one priority among webmasters and SEO’s for obtaining a good search engine position, that time alas is no longer with us.

This is in no small part because webmasters are no longer dedicating as much time to link pages. Why should they spend hours and hours getting link partners and then making sure that their are linking back to them when all they have to do is spend 5 minutes joining a web ring or 20 minutes a day updating their blog or rss feed.

More and more we are using other methods to get sites linking to us, such as joining web rings, or on placing keyword rich text ads placed on carefully selected forums or interest sites. These bring usrepparttar keyword relevancy weight we crave so much as well as targetingrepparttar 118437 people who actually have an interest inrepparttar 118438 product or idea we are marketing.

Withrepparttar 118439 introduction of such tools as rss and blogs there has come a change inrepparttar 118440 way we develop our sites to obtain a good page rank and a hopefully a higher rank withrepparttar 118441 engines. Gone arerepparttar 118442 pages and pages of links to other people’s websites and instead we userepparttar 118443 single page blog/feed. We are reaching out to a different audience, an audience that wants to come back to us day after day after day because they have a similar interest to ours. With our blogs potentially being fed to anyone who wants to read it we can give our new customers / readers some useful information as well as ensure a return visit which could result in that elusive sale.

Amazing new webdesign company sets up show in Toronto Canada

Written by Micah Bowerbank - Toronto, Ontario - Web Specialists is a professional web consulting and design company. We specialize in best-in-class website design, web application development (using ASP.NET, Java, PHP, MySQL, ASP), Flash multimedia, corporate identity, and print graphics. Located in Toronto, Ontario; features an integrated team of web consultants, creative designers and programmers that know how to get online results. Our business-driven approach separates us from typical web design companies.

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