Is it Love?

Written by Joyce C. Lock

W. W. J. D. ?

Jesus said ... Thou shalt loverepparttar Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This isrepparttar 132480 first and great commandment. Andrepparttar 132481 second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang allrepparttar 132482 law andrepparttar 132483 prophets.

Mt. 22:37-40

So, there you have it. Hangrepparttar 132484 law ...

Is it Love?

When you'rerepparttar 132485 picture of health, yet you park inrepparttar 132486 handicapped zone ...

Is it Love?

If you leave shopping carts in any path but yours, atrepparttar 132487 risk of other cars getting scratched ...

Is it Love?

When you scream absurdities at traffic that inconveniences you ...

Is it Love?

What if you use an automobile to intimidate drivers in your path ...

Is it Love?

When you belittle someone who has less than your abilities ...

Is it Love?

Suppose you takerepparttar 132488 credit and bows for another's accomplishments ...

Is it Love?

When you say things in anger that can damage another's testimony ...

Is it Love?

Maybe someone calls you with an immediate need, just before a church service, yet you ignorerepparttar 132489 request to be on time ...

Prayer in Schools

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Flaws in government fall back onrepparttar church, as, divided, we have no voice. Many have mixed thoughts in voting for prayer in schools.

Do we want government to teach religion to our children? The next question being, "Which religion?" Once that's considered, "Absolutely not!" Then, why pay taxes for satanic literature offered in school libraries?

While some home school, others teach how to be inrepparttar 132478 world without being likerepparttar 132479 world. Still yet, most leave teachings to schools and church.

With God excommunicated from schools, what about children who'll otherwise never hear about Him? In fulfillingrepparttar 132480 Great Commission, aren't we accountable for them? God sacrificed His son for us. Couldn't we sacrifice to train our children instead of fearing what schools might teach?

Do we prefer our children sharing such things asrepparttar 132481 use of condoms or their faith in God? Whenever we give away their religious freedom, we'll always lose.

History gives evidence torepparttar 132482 fall of government and society whenever God is cast aside. Wherever God isn't only allows room for Satan.

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