Is it Love?

Written by Joyce C. Lock

W. W. J. D. ?

Jesus said ... Thou shalt loverepparttar Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This isrepparttar 122784 first and great commandment. Andrepparttar 122785 second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang allrepparttar 122786 law andrepparttar 122787 prophets.

Mt. 22:37-40

So, there you have it. Hangrepparttar 122788 law.

Is it Love?

When you'rerepparttar 122789 picture of health, yet you park inrepparttar 122790 handicapped zone ...

Is it Love?

If you leave shopping carts in any path but yours,

atrepparttar 122791 risk of other cars getting scratched ...

Is it Love?

When you scream absurdities at traffic that inconveniences you ...

Is it Love?

What if you use an automobile to intimidate drivers in your path …

Is it Love?

When you belittle someone who has less than your abilities ...

Is it Love?

Suppose you takerepparttar 122792 credit and bows for another's accomplishments ...

Is it Love?

When you say things, in anger, that can damage another's testimony ...

Is it Love?

Maybe someone calls you with an immediate need,

just before a church service,

yet you ignorerepparttar 122793 request to be on time ...

And We Know ...

Written by Joyce C. Lock

And we know what?

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who arerepparttar called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Evidently, we are suppose to 'know' that all things work together for our good ... all things.

So, do we 'know'? Do we really know?

It is to our advantage to look forrepparttar 122783 silver lining, to not give Satan so much credit, to faithfully watch for God to transform a negative situation into something good. And, when we watch for Him, most ofrepparttar 122784 time, we come to 'know' His purpose.

Therefore, perhaps, before we can know God has it covered, we have to see Him working and, before we can see Him, we first need to be watching.

By whatever name we call it; fear, worry, and anxiety does not come from God.

While we can not always controlrepparttar 122785 fact that spiritual warfare hits us like a 2x4, we can request God's help in giving Him honor, in even our thoughts and emotions (in spite of circumstance), by asking Him to remove our negative feelings.

And, that is easier to do once we realize, no matter how we feel, it is only a feeling. God is still on His throne. So, it can not be true about who God is.

But, beyond that, we can also take personal responsibility for our part. We openedrepparttar 122786 door for Satan to attack our emotions, not him or anyone else. It originatedrepparttar 122787 moment we believed a lie.

How many ways do we call God a liar ... He can't, He won't, or that nothing good can ever happen to us?

If nothing is too hard for God, then why do we believe our problem is? When we can't seem to find our rightful place with God, do we blame Him? Or, do we believe what Jesus said? Once we 'know'repparttar 122788 truth, it will set us free. John 8:32.

Perhaps we beg and plead, or command and demand, for what is already rightfully ours; when we could be moving mountains, if only we didn't place more than a grain of faith in our part.

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