Is Your Website Spreading Stories About You?

Written by Tatiana Velitchkov

If it's not, then consider changing its format to make sure it DOES.

Although many brick & mortar entrepreneurs knowrepparttar importance of having their own websites, most of them still have few ideas for maximizing them, and often end up with nothing more than an "online brochure."

"But a brochure is all we need." some of them say, or "We can't afford to put up anything else."

But what if you discovered that -- with just a few revisions & for exactlyrepparttar 121331 same cost -- you can actually transform YOUR OWN ordinary brochure site into something more dynamic?

And what if I told you that everything you need to know about this "something more dynamic" is already outlined right here in this article... and all you have to do is read?

Click Here For Publicity ------------------------

This dynamic thing we're talking about is none other thanrepparttar 121332 "online press kit," and it isn't really as mysterious as it sounds.

Inrepparttar 121333 real world press kits are used to get media people interested in your product, your company, and even in you. But it could also be rather costly, particularly if you want it to leave a good impression.

The online press kit offers business ownersrepparttar 121334 chance to still make that good impression, but at much more affordable rates.

Four Ws, One H --------------

At its most basic level,repparttar 121335 press kit is simply a "packet" that containsrepparttar 121336 most important information, tools & details that a reporter would need to intelligently write about an event, person, or company.

Take this concept and translate it forrepparttar 121337 online medium, and there you'll have an online press kit.

In muchrepparttar 121338 same way that media people depend onrepparttar 121339 "four Ws and one H" to effectively cover a story, there are also "four Ws and one H" that you need to know about creating a press kit... especially when you plan to use them online:

* WHO should benefit from an online press kit? ----------------------------------------------

If your answer to this question is "the company / website owner," then you're not quite right. (Not "wrong." Just "not quite right." :-) )

Although it's only logical to expect that an online kit will bring in additional publicity for you & your company, it should first & foremost be designed to benefit someone else:

The Press.

The reporters, researchers, segment producers, broadcasters.

These arerepparttar 121340 people who are constantly looking for interesting stories & running against tight deadlines; these are alsorepparttar 121341 people who haverepparttar 121342 ability to shine a spotlight on you & your company... as long as you offer themrepparttar 121343 right kind of story.

* WHAT should be included in an online press kit? -------------------------------------------------

Becauserepparttar 121344 press kit is designed to entice & satisfyrepparttar 121345 press, try to keep their needs in mind when putting together your online kit.

Essentially,repparttar 121346 most important components of your kit will be:

1. Your Press Release

Like we said,repparttar 121347 media are always onrepparttar 121348 lookout for interesting stories, and your press release isrepparttar 121349 first place they'll look if they ever expect to find any on your site.

So apart from making "new product" announcements and tying up your business events withrepparttar 121350 latest controversial news, you can also gather interesting press release material from:

- your unusual hobbies, interests & accomplishments, or those of your employees - your staff's experiences with famous (and infamous) people - your company's involvement in outreach programs, sports, or community events - and just about anything that has happened to you & your staff that reporters have never heard of... but have a good chance of becoming interested in.

2. Articles You've Written, or Articles Written About You ---------------------------------------------------------

Once you've hooked them with an interesting idea/story, reporters would want to assessrepparttar 121351 reliability ofrepparttar 121352 source (you).

The best way to establish your credibility at this point is to show them how much you know about your industry, and how other press people have turned to you as an expert/authority.

Learning to Make Connections

Written by Paul "the soaring" Siegel

Marketing may be considered to be a means of making connections. What every marketer must do is learn with whom to connect and how to connect in order to best serve his prospects and expand his business.

The Internet isrepparttar best medium invented to-date for making connections. There are lots of other media. But none offerrepparttar 121330 fast, easy and private methods for establishing connections and building useful relationships.

Some powerful companies have not learned how to do this onrepparttar 121331 Net. Recently a few members ofrepparttar 121332 Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) have tried to hurt peer-to-peer music-sharing systems by signing on and offering spoofed CDs. These CDs have periods of empty space or ruined music. The idea is to drive people to "legitimate" outlets.

Now I ask You, Is this a way to make a connection with someone? Is this a way to gain customers? Is this a way to be helpful?

While RIAA members are stuck inrepparttar 121333 past, others who understand thatrepparttar 121334 Internet is a learning medium, use services, such as BroadProspect, to learn how to make connections. Here is an excerpt from an email I received from them:

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