Is Your Web site..'Over-stocked'?

Written by John Evans

Is Your Web site..'Over-stocked'?..'Under-stocked'? Or 'Just Right'? copyright 2002 John Evans

Is your website selling?

When it comes to selling onrepparttar internet, we've all heard many ideas on "The Only" way to do it.

Some say to have a "Direct Sale" web site, with just 1 or 2 sales pages, and an order page. The idea being that if you put too many choices in front of your visitors, they could become 'information over-loaded', and make only one choice - Leave!

But, with only 1 or 2 items to choose from, they have only 3 choices; buy, bookmark, or leave. Simple!

Onrepparttar 118924 other hand, there are visitors who WANT more than one choice, and just love sites that are filled torepparttar 118925 brim. I think it depends mainly on what it is they're looking for inrepparttar 118926 first place; opportunities, or freebies.

Ultimately, we can't know what everyone wants, so why not try each method?

I Don't Want To Publish My Own Ezine

Written by John Evans

"I Don't Want To Publish My Own Ezine- That's My Final Answer!" copyright 2001-02 John Evans

Some time ago I had an inkling that I would very much like to publish my own ezine. Seemed like a good idea. After all, we constantly hear that doing so is one ofrepparttar best ways to get our own messages out.

Seemed like a good idea...

I thought, "How hard can it be? Nothing to it."

Only a few small decisions to make:

Think of a good, classy name. Come up with a clean "layout". How long should I make it? How often do I publish? Am I a good enough communicator? Am I any good at writing? How do I attract subscribers? Where do I get really good content? Whose articles do I publish? How many free ads do I give? How many lines do I give to a free ad? Offer paid ads? Send it by email, or make them come to my web site? Do I really want to worry about being accused of SPAM? Am I mentally equipped to maintain a 'schedule'? Will I get cancellations if I don't publish on time? Will I get cancellations if I publishrepparttar 118923 "wrong" article? Will anyone really read my ezine, or just skim through it, looking only for their own ad? If I only publish 20 ads, will everyone else unsubscribe? Do I run contests? Does anyone really participate in contests? Do I want to 're-do' ads that are not properly formatted? Do I haverepparttar 118924 stamina to put up with chronic complainers? With all those other ezines out there, will I be able to compete? How long do I have to wait before I can charge for ads? Do I want to charge for ads? If so, how much?

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