Is Your Program Right For You?

Written by Kellie Marzolf

Before you become involved in any program,repparttar most important thing you can do is research. Learn and think aboutrepparttar 120685 product. Is it something you could benefit from personally? Could you see yourself recommending it to a friend or family member?

Do your homework and find out as much aboutrepparttar 120686 program andrepparttar 120687 people that run it as you can. Get a feel forrepparttar 120688 operation and see if it will be a good fit. You want to find out exactly what you'll be becoming a part of as this will save you some time and discouragement inrepparttar 120689 future.

As you pick your program, you need to be aware that in order to expect to make any profit,repparttar 120690 product or service needs to be one that appeals to a lot of people. It has to be one that you feel confident putting your name on. Your name is your reputation and you have every right to be picky.

Does this program provide you with sales material and training support? If your sponsor is not active in training you, do they offerrepparttar 120691 option of being placed with another one? It will ultimately be your decision how much time and effort you're going to spend developing yourself and your program, but doesrepparttar 120692 program offerrepparttar 120693 tools to help you succeed?

Make surerepparttar 120694 program is everything they tell you it is. Many people are charmed into signing up for something and then being left to wonder what to do next. They aren't trained on how to sell, who to sell to andrepparttar 120695 fact that their payoff is related to their participation.

Marketing Lessons from Santa

Written by Catherine Franz

If a nonexistent man can changerepparttar world and millions of people with a message of joy then his marketing plan surely works. Right? Then what has Santa been doing right all these years that we can learn from?

Santa’s message is short--joy. His target market-- children andrepparttar 120684 young at heart. When you think of name Santa, you automatically associate it with giving, kindness, thoughtfulness, joy, magic, and usually a lighter heart.

Yet, his campaign began long ago in another country with a different brand. There have been songs about him, plays, movies, and more TV shows than any other brand.

Let’s examine how Santa markets. Afterwards, let take a few minutes and see how it compares to you. It is natural to feel intimidated being compared to Santa, everyone feels that way at first. First, kickrepparttar 120685 intimidation inrepparttar 120686 "ass"ets. You can't compete and you don't want to.

Be inspired. Santa’s given you proof it can be done. Santa looks invisible until you seerepparttar 120687 children’s eyes and smiles. Even as adults, we set aside our worries and allow joy in. And Santa does this without saying a word -- provesrepparttar 120688 power of nonverbal communication. And let’s not forget his profitability!

Santa uses a solid yet standard psychological system that has stoodrepparttar 120689 test of time and distance. His first main marketing principle is consistency. For hundreds of years he’s delivered one brand, one message and a powerful visual image. It works for him, thus, it will work for you. Consistency includesrepparttar 120690 ripple effect. Every one of your contacts ripplesrepparttar 120691 world. The tree that falls inrepparttar 120692 quiet forest is heard.

Your message needs to be consistent everywhere in your business -- voice service, web site, you're your shopping, or sitting waiting for a bus. This means being consistent 24/7 and being whom you want to attract. It is walking our talk. Consistency makes bank accounts ring jingle bells.

Take another moment, think of where you are or want to be consistent in your business. Make a list of three each day andrepparttar 120693 go makerepparttar 120694 changes. Check your e-mail signature and tone, business card, and web site. Is it consistently sayingrepparttar 120695 one word that you want people to remember? One uncomplicated word. People remember simple. KISS it -- keep it short and simple.

Like Santa’s "joy," what one word do you want people to walk away with every time they connect with you or your business? Mine is "inspired." It isrepparttar 120696 one word that I want everyone to receive whenever they connect with me. What is your word? This is a word that tickles your Twinkie and you want it to ring bells whatever roof top it lands.

The word will have derivatives, like inspirational. If you look up "joy" inrepparttar 120697 "Flip Dictionary" (Barbara Ann Kipfer), its derivatives are: amusement, beatitude, bliss, cheerfulness, delight, ecstasy, elation, enjoyment, excitement, exhilation, felicity, festivity, gaiety, gladness, glee, happiness, jubilation, mirth, pleasure, rapture, satisfaction, and solace.

Santa’s second marketing principle is his ability to leverage resources and spread his message. He providesrepparttar 120698 message, doesn't wait until we figure out what to say, and tell you exactly what he wants you to say to others. Give othersrepparttar 120699 tools to smoothly give your message away. People appreciate havingrepparttar 120700 "right" words.

Third, when you connectrepparttar 120701 word with positive energy it becomes a trend. If you focus onrepparttar 120702 negative aspects then it is a fad. Words connect feelings and energy and can be rocky or smooth. Smooth is easier to share. Fads are still important because they help with short-term revenue and keeprepparttar 120703 trend alive and moving. Many toys are fads placed insiderepparttar 120704 Christmas trend.

Let’s take a look at Santa’s hat, furry red suit and boots. Do you know anyone who delivers their product on a sleigh, with reindeer, and gifts inrepparttar 120705 middle ofrepparttar 120706 night? Yet, it’s made one heck of an impact in nonverbal communications, hasn't it? The fourth Santa principle creating a difference. Santa, like FEDEX, stands out with his delivery system. The US mail carrier comes close but still missesrepparttar 120707 mark. Yet, their uniforms don't compare, do they?

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