Is Your Online Business Making Best Use of its Consumer Information?

Written by Lisa Schmeckpeper

As of this writing, I've spent almost four years online, and in that time I've filled out hundreds of online forms at countless business and consumer websites. Maybe it was to register for access torepparttar site, to make a purchase, or just to get some really cool "free stuff."

Each timerepparttar 121768 online form asked for a lot of personal information, and on more often than not, my birth date was requested.

Having a keen eye for a marketing opportunity when I see one, I'd also assume that websites asking for information from me and about me plan to *use* some ofrepparttar 121769 information for their own purposes, whatever those may be.

So I was really surprised that, of allrepparttar 121770 online retailers I have told about myself, ONLY TWO sent me a birthday wish and only one of those two thought enough to include a special offer this past 24th of August. Yes, only ONE!

Sad isn't it?

It's not surprising to me that DOTCOM companies are disappearing faster than flies at a frog convention.

Most will spend many timesrepparttar 121771 amount of dollars in advertising for each dollar they net in sales in 2000, and then they will sit there with red ink all over their hard copy accounting notes and wonder why they are struggling financially.

Here’s some advice- a clue, forrepparttar 121772 clueless who are running their E-net businesses like garage sales. Instead of spending a cool million on that next banner ad campaign, hoping to squeeze a 1% or 2% click-thru ratio out of it, they should consider a simple friendly business strategy that nobody else onrepparttar 121773 net seems to be using.

First, we'll assume you have asked visitors to your site to fill out a order or some other personal data form. You can then filterrepparttar 121774 customer database to find "matching birth dates" and send a personalized birthday greeting and "special" money-saving offer out to each person who is celebrating a birthday on that day.

Stop Branding Your Products and Start Branding Yourself!

Written by Wild Bill Montgomery

Branding has power. Real power. A power that you can measure. But for those of us who haverepparttar dream of creating our own Internet Empire from our home cubicle or kitchen table,repparttar 121767 Real Branding Power comes not from branding your business or product, but from Branding Yourself! Branding "You" (a phrase borrowed from Rick Beneteau) is a power that you can't afford not to understand and use.

"Branding Yourself" isrepparttar 121768 application of certain techniques which will help you gain popularity onrepparttar 121769 Internet by making yourself well known, maybe as an Expert in your field. When people recognize you as an expert you will gain popularity by means of more free publicity than you can imagine. Picture seeing an article written mentioning your name as an authority on Marketing or mentioning you for nothing more than quoting something you said. The point I'm trying to make is that you are seen as an Authority or better put, a "Personality". Now, try to fathom thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people seeing you inrepparttar 121770 same light. This is what successful Self-Branding is all about. You don't need to necessarily be an expert. You just need to be seen, heard and talked about.

How do you Brand Yourself? There are many techniques and methods, but it can be as simple as a hidden personality trait, a nickname (maybe something like "Wild Bill"), or helping others by consultation or assistance. You must look for ways to literally become a Celebrity inrepparttar 121771 eyes ofrepparttar 121772 world or at least a small, select part of it. It could be by getting your name known asrepparttar 121773 "guy/gal who hadrepparttar 121774 answer or maderepparttar 121775 comment". Is that all there is to it? Of course not.

The one thing I am slowly and surely learning about marketing onrepparttar 121776 Internet is that you have to build a name for yourself before people will trust you and trust your products. Trust is a big issue onrepparttar 121777 Internet. Can you blame people? The Internet is overrun with rip-offs and fast-talking scam artists. Their whole existence is centered onrepparttar 121778 sole pursuit of relieving you of your money for a product with lots of promise and no result.

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