Is Your Health Optimal?

Written by Brian Benjamin Carter, MS, LAc

Is Your Focus on Disease, or Wellness?

Both Western and Chinese medicine could be accused of focusing too much on disease treatment, rather than wellness. Practitioners from both medicines are taught to be problem-solvers and disease-curers instead of wellness promoters.

You can't blame Western medical docs - most of their preventive advice is to avoid negative things. They don't really have a deep and powerful system of prevention. No wonder they don't see prevention as paramount.

We can't blame patients for not striving for optimal health. Most ofrepparttar time, humans just do their daily thing until something keeps them from sleeping, working, or enjoying life.

We only think of medicine when we need a cure. We don't live preventively.

Ignoring Minor Symptoms

We tend to ignore minor problems (like dull headaches atrepparttar 114750 end ofrepparttar 114751 day, itchy eyes, morning grogginess) until they get worse. The prevailing medical system has conditioned us to only think of medicine for major problems, and to take a symptom-relieving pill forrepparttar 114752 minor ones. We take aspirin for headaches, allergy medicine forrepparttar 114753 eyes, and drink coffee for grogginess.

Continuum of Disease

Chinese medicine sees illness as a continuum. What do itchy eyes have in common with migraines, or hepatitis? What does grogginess have in common with Alzheimer's? Dull headaches with life expectancy? Western medicine would say nothing. But sometimes there is a connection, and Chinese medicine can explain it.

Minor symptoms can lead to major illness. Reversing imbalances sooner can keep you in good health longer.

Chinese Medicine Prevention and Wellness

Many Chinese medicine practitioners do studyrepparttar 114754 prevention and wellness wisdom of Chinese medical literature. They don't just give acupuncture and herbs, but they also recommend dietary changes, exercises and lifestyle modification based onrepparttar 114755 same personalized diagnosis used by acupuncture and herbal treatments.

The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (from 250 B.C.) says, "Inrepparttar 114756 past, people... understoodrepparttar 114757 principle of balance... They ate a balanced diet at regular times, arose and retired at regular hours, avoided overstressing their bodies and minds, and refrained from overindulgence of all kinds. They maintained well-being of body and mind; thus it is not surprising that they lived over one hundred years."

Is Your Health Optimal?

So, if minor symptoms are imbalances that should be addressed too, what does health look like? How does a healthy person feel? Is it just an absence of illness?

I decided to put together a chart of symptoms and signs of illness and wellness. It's based onrepparttar 114758 multi-system questions a Chinese medicine practitioner asks a new patient. Inquiry, or asking, is one of our Four Examinations, or ways of gathering information about your health. The other three examinations are touching, looking, and listening.

Holistic Medicine and Irrelevant Questions

Holistic means looking atrepparttar 114759 whole, not justrepparttar 114760 parts. Everything in us is connected - mind and body. Holistic medicine looks at and treatsrepparttar 114761 whole person.

We're made of systems and organs that work together -repparttar 114762 digestive system, nervous system, immune system, muscles, bones, mind, etc. The ideal medicine includes all of these, and understands how they're interconnected.

Beginning to work with a Chinese medicine practitioner means answering a whole lot of seemingly irrelevant questions. Even if you came in just for back pain, we're still going to want to know about whether you feel hot or cold, what you menstruation is like, and how your sex life is, etc. An extensive line of questioning just comes withrepparttar 114763 territory in holistic medicine.

Acupuncture Weight Loss with 5 Step Plan

Written by Brian B. Carter, MS, LAc

I remember back in my senior year of high school - my best friend since 5th grade was living in France. He wrote that they didn't like Americans much. "They think we're all fat," he said. With his own skinny frame, of course, he confounded their belief. But, he added a funny, or perhaps ironic capstone torepparttar issue. "I went to a store, and they were selling statues of these fat people, and, atrepparttar 114749 base of each one was written, 'American.'"

Obesity is not only an American problem. According torepparttar 114750 World Health Organization (WHO), it's a global problem. They call it globesity. Parodoxically, their understanding of this problem began with their original mission to eliminate hunger and malnutrition. We live in a world where many have nothing to eat, and many eat too much. From 1995 to 2000,repparttar 114751 number of obese adults worldwide mushroomed from 200 million to 300 million. That's a 50% increase in just 5 years!

What is Obesity, and What is Overweight? Overweight means an excess of body weight. This excess weight may be muscle, bone, fat, and/or body water. Obesity refers specifically to an abnormally high proportion of body fat. You can be overweight without being obese - for example, a bodybuilder or other highly-muscled athlete. But many people who are overweight are also obese.The main way to determine whether you are overweight or obese is withrepparttar 114752 body mass index (BMI). It doesn't directly measure body fat, and it's not gender specific, but it does give you a pretty reliable estimation.

To find your BMI, divide your weight (in kilograms) by your height in meters squared. Yep, forrepparttar 114753 math-challenged, that's complex, so I'll give you a website that will figure it out for you,repparttar 114754 National Institute's of Health BMI calculator ( This will very quickly tell you if you are normal, overweight, or obese, and it does allrepparttar 114755 calculating and metric conversions for you!

Overweight is defined as a BMI above 25 (including those above 30 BMI, too), and obese is a BMI above 30. So, all obese people are overweight, but not all overweight people are obese.

The Obesity Epidemic Obesity isn't just about not feeling good or having trouble getting dates…

It leads to more than 300,000 premature deaths each year inrepparttar 114756 United States. 90,000 are preventable cancer deaths. (CDC)

Severely obese men die 13 years sooner than men of normal weight (JAMA). As a killer in America, obesity is second only to tobacco. (CDC)

The Weight Loss Industry

Spending: Americans spend between $40-50 billion per year to lose weight. Results: I haven't seen any recent news that Americans are getting any thinner - have you?

Conclusion: What people are doing isn't working. If we want different results, we have to try a different solution.

Acupuncture Weight Loss: Fantasy, or Fact?

Fantasy or Fact? As a well-trained and fairly conservative Chinese medicine practitioner, I had assumed that acupuncture for weight loss was a marketing fad and a patient fantasy. Evidence: But while researching my upcoming book Chinese Medicine: A Practical Guide to Optimal Healing, I found some surprisingly positive information that changed my mind. Chinese Medicine's Collective Clinical Data on Acupuncture Weight Loss Chinese Medicine has thousands of years of clinical experience. This collective data not as convincing as randomized controlled trials are, but it does contain truth - it's imperfect but still valid and important.

A U.S. government study inrepparttar 114757 80's concluded that 85% of western medicine is based on clinical experience, not on research. (Office of Technology Assessment ofrepparttar 114758 Congress ofrepparttar 114759 United States, The Impact of Randomized Controlled Trials on Health Policy and Medical Practice, Background Paper OTA-BP-H-22. Also see Michael Millenson's book, Demanding Medical Excellence)

There is good Chinese Medicine research in Taiwan, Australia, and Europe that gets ignored by American scientists and media. Much research in Chinese has not even been translated into English.

Seven Studies of Acupuncture for Weight Loss

How it works: By enhancingrepparttar 114760 function of two neuroendocrine pathways that regulate many bodily processes, including metabolism.

What it does:

* Lowers body weight, body fat, insulin levels, and lipid levels inrepparttar 114761 blood * Decreases excessive appetite and makes it easier to satisfy your hunger with less food. * Decreases menopausal weight gain In one study, acupuncture took off 10 pounds in 2 months - that translates to 60 lbs in a year! * Combined with diet control, and aerobic counseling it not only takes offrepparttar 114762 pounds and body fat, but keeps them off, especially if you're diligent with their exercise. (See references at end of article forrepparttar 114763 research)

Ephedra misuse and mislegislation

Ephedra is a Chinese herb for colds and coughs. It has been misused to increase metabolism, and this misuse has caused numerous deaths. As a result,repparttar 114764 FDA is considering a total ban on ephedra products. We can blame two major things:

Supplement companies that care more about your money than your health (no, not all of them are that way, but some of them are, especiallyrepparttar 114765 ones that market weight loss formulations). The idea that you can medicate yourself safely with herbs - self-medication of any kind is risky. Self-medication with herbs is offrepparttar 114766 radar, and people generally think they can do it safely. The ephedra debacle is an example of how dangerous it can be.

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