Is Your Bathroom Going Down the Drain?

Written by Janet L. Hall

Is Your Bathroom Going Downrepparttar Drain? By: Janet L. Hall

As you and I know, most bathrooms have limited space and storage. Many of them are crammed with too much stuff: a lotion or potion you used once,repparttar 111529 shampoo and conditioner samples collected while on travel, medicines or other items used once or never finished using, towels that have seen their day, and reading material and even mail that just piles up and piles up, allrepparttar 111530 while collecting dust and germs.

Your bathroom is a room in which you and others use on a daily basis. The most private area in your home, yet a busy room in which activities, such as baths, showers, brushing hair and teeth, shaving, and usingrepparttar 111531 toilet are usually performed by yourself FOR yourself. Yet for some it’s a place of refuge, hiding fromrepparttar 111532 world,repparttar 111533 family, reading or just sitting onrepparttar 111534 "throne," thinking, planning, or daydreaming. Your bathroom can be a place of solitude where you can float away in a sea of bubbles; meditating, planning, creating, listening to music, while candlelight is reflected inrepparttar 111535 mirror dancing aroundrepparttar 111536 room.

We store and keep all kinds of things in our bathrooms: from linens to tub toys, lotions to medicines, and even books and magazines. Oils, candles, matches, and lets not forgetrepparttar 111537 toilet paper. Unless you’ve remodeled or designed your own bathroom-the standard bathroom in a standard home usually only comes equipped with a small medicine cabinet and maybe underrepparttar 111538 sink storage and many don’t even provide this essential storage space.

Being disorganized or not having enough storage in your bathroom can literally drain you of energy and patience inrepparttar 111539 morning, evening, or anytime you enter into this private space.

How I Became Like My Clients For One Month

Written by Janet L. Hall

How I Became Like My Clients For One Month By: Janet L. Hall

I know exactly when I started falling apart, not mentally but overloaded with commitments and deadlines I knew I could make. But then suddenly, surgery was to be performed again, on Valentine's Day.

I've never hiddenrepparttar fact that I'm just like you. I'm not perfect and I'm not super human just because my profession is as a professional organizer.

We all have things come into our lives, or out of, usually unexpectedly. We all have emergencies or things that come up that just have to be completed. We all have someone or something needing our attention. This is you, this is me, and this is life!

Many times clients call when their systems have broken down, if they even had systems. But many call because their world has fallen off its axis, leaving them and their world spinning out of control…out of balance.

If they completely ignorerepparttar 111528 situation or don't know how to get their world back into balance - into sync -repparttar 111529 way it use to be, they will become overpowered by allrepparttar 111530 stuff in their lives.

The daily errands of driving here and there for: >>Appointments >>Children >>Special events >>Meetings >>School functions >>Banking >>Food shopping >>Shopping >>Work seem to make you drive like a maniac downrepparttar 111531 street, racing and rushing from one place to another. And even forgetting to stop at some places.

The daily activities one usually finds in a home of: >>Processingrepparttar 111532 mail >>Answeringrepparttar 111533 phone >>Returning calls >>Reading email >>Replying to email >>Cooking >>Cleaning >>Playing withrepparttar 111534 children or pets >>Bathingrepparttar 111535 children or pets >>Wateringrepparttar 111536 plants >>Reading >>Being a buffer makes you just want to throw up your hands and turn and run.

And what aboutrepparttar 111537 unexpected? >>Illness >>Visitors >>Spouse laid-off from job >>Someone moving in or out >>Computer problems >>A friend needing your ear, shoulder, and comfort >>A client or boss needing it NOW, instead of next week >>A child with special needs >>A child with needs >>Travel for your job >>Training for your job >>An accident just makes you want to SCREAM that you have no time or patience for all this!

Your world has just exploded! What can you do about it?

On Valentine's Day my world exploded when I was told I would have to endure yet another breast surgery. I was working on my book, "Secrets of a Professional Organizer and How-To Become One," andrepparttar 111538 deadline wasrepparttar 111539 end of February. And worse yet, we get short-changed a couple of days in February! WHO did that? Who thought this up?

Just three days after surgery and between work, clients, writing, and running a home I had to prepare to leave for Florida for 13 days to work with a client and attend school at repparttar 111540 beginning of March. WHEW, makes me tired just thinking back on all this.

In Florida I stayed with a girlfriend, and hadrepparttar 111541 guest/storage room with some closet space, one drawer, and a small desk.

My journey into piles began. Things started living in piles: >>Onrepparttar 111542 floor >>On top of my suitcases >>Onrepparttar 111543 bed >>Onrepparttar 111544 dresser >>Onrepparttar 111545 chair and desk.

I had all my toilettes sitting out aroundrepparttar 111546 sink, carefully placed (but crowded together) so I wouldn't break anything or, God forbid, something fall intorepparttar 111547 toilet!

While in Florida I was so busy I really didn't get to work on any of my "normal" to-dos. I had so many new to-dos' there!

I went to school from 7 AM until 6 or 7 PM, grabbed something to eat and started working with my client, sometimes until midnight, once until 2:30 AM. (I was helping my friend "client", where I was staying, redo her whole web site and teach her computer stuff.)

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