Is This the PR You Thought You Were Getting?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

You know, where you do something positive aboutrepparttar behaviors of those outside audiences that MOST affect your organization? And where you do so by persuading those important external folks to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that help your department, division or subsidiary succeed?

Yes, that’s right, it’s where you userepparttar 103665 fundamental premise of public relations to produce external stakeholder behavior change –repparttar 103666 kind that leads directly to achieving your managerial objectives.

What it boils down to is (1) your public relations effort must involve more than special events, brochures and news releases if you really want to get your money’s worth, and (2),repparttar 103667 right PR really CAN alter individual perception and lead to changed behaviors that help you succeed!

You can do it when you bring that fundamental premise of PR mentioned above, into play. It goes like this: people act on their own perception ofrepparttar 103668 facts before them, which leads to predictable behaviors about which something can be done. When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-actionrepparttar 103669 very people whose behaviors affectrepparttar 103670 organizationrepparttar 103671 most,repparttar 103672 public relations mission is accomplished.

What kind of results can you, as a business, non-profit or association manager, expect from such an approach? Well, for starters, improved relations with government agencies and legislative bodies, stronger relationships withrepparttar 103673 educational, labor, financial and healthcare communities; prospects starting to work with you; customers making repeat purchases; and even capital givers or specifying sources looking your way

And that’s not all. You also could see progress inrepparttar 103674 form of membership applications onrepparttar 103675 rise; new proposals for strategic alliances and joint ventures; rebounds in showroom visits; enhanced activist group relations, and expanded feedback channels; as well as community service and sponsorship opportunities; not to mention new thoughtleader and special event contacts.

Yes, that’s promising quite a bit but that’s what this approach to public relations is capable of delivering.

Of courserepparttar 103676 PR people supporting you as a manager – agency or staff – must be real team members and committed to you, asrepparttar 103677 senior project manager, torepparttar 103678 PR blueprint and its implementation, starting with target audience perception monitoring.

Ask yourself how important it is that your most important outside audiences really perceive your operations, products or services in a positive light? Then assure yourself that your PR staff buys into that notion wholeheartedly. Be especially careful that they accept repparttar 103679 reality that perceptions almost always lead to behaviors that can help or hurt your unit.

Reviewrepparttar 103680 PR blueprint in detail with your team, especiallyrepparttar 103681 plan for monitoring and gathering perceptions by questioning members of your most important outside audiences. Use questions like these: how much do you know about our organization? How much do you know about our services or products and employees? Have you had prior contact with us and were you pleased withrepparttar 103682 interchange? Have you experienced problems with our people or procedures?

Tips for Putting Images on Large Vinyl Banners

Written by Rick Hendershot

by Rick Hendershot,

Originally published in Trade Show Buzz

Adding full color images to vinyl banners will create banner designs with more impact and a more professional appearance. Putting a full color photograph on your vinyl banner is oftenrepparttar easiest way to do this. When you want to add a photo or image to a vinyl banner design, try to keep a few things in mind. In order to look crisp and clear an image must have the correct resolution. At we try to keep resolution at about 100 ppi (pixels per inch) at full size. In other words if you have an image that is 300 ppi at 8" x 10", then you can comfortably blow it up to about 24" x 30" (which will give you 100 ppi). In fact you can probably go as low as 50 ppi and still be quite satisfied withrepparttar 103664 output, because these images are normally meant to be viewed from a distance of at least 10 feet away.

Second, it is often necessary to brighten uprepparttar 103665 colors of your vinyl banner images. You can usually do this by increasingrepparttar 103666 contrast. In Photoshoprepparttar 103667 easiest way to do this is by "pinching"repparttar 103668 levels. Openrepparttar 103669 levels window and pullrepparttar 103670 shadows (dark shades) control towardsrepparttar 103671 middle (torepparttar 103672 right), and pullrepparttar 103673 highlights control torepparttar 103674 left. This will brighten your light colors and darken your dark colors while getting rid of some ofrepparttar 103675 "mudiness" ofrepparttar 103676 mid tones.

"Sharpening" your images will also have a brightening effect. Your images will normally appear much crisper and sharper when you "punch them up" with a bit of sharpening. But don't go overboard.

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