Is There Network Marketing Without Hype?

Written by Gobala Krishnan

Copyright 2005 Gobala Krishnan

When I was first exposed to network marketing atrepparttar age of 23 and introduced torepparttar 139805 idea that any average person can take control of their destiny for a better future, I could see new light of hope.

You see, for me, life had to be about making choices, andrepparttar 139806 lack of that ability so often in my growing years led me to believe that network marketing isrepparttar 139807 do-or-die answer. Little did I know or expectrepparttar 139808 amount of hype I was about to get in my first naive year in network marketing, which almost crushed my dreams simply because no one sharedrepparttar 139809 truth with me.

Is hype really necessary in network marketing? I honestly don't think so.

I hate hype andrepparttar 139810 very essence of trying to convince someone by using false or misleading words and deliberate interpretation of other people's words in order to get a sale or make a new MLM recruit. I believe in network marketing, butrepparttar 139811 hype that so often comes as a pre-packaged MLM "starter kit" almost destroyed what I believed in.

Here's why I don't believe hype is necessary in network marketing; because network marketing is not about selling false hopes to anyone. Network marketing is not about selling at all; it's about building long-term relationships and trust. Network marketing is not about convincing, it's about sorting.

If you were looking for a business partner, which one would you prefer? Someone who told yourepparttar 139812 truth, or someone who stretchedrepparttar 139813 truth whenever he can to keep you happy? Sad to say, you may well belong torepparttar 139814 first category as I do, but there are hundreds of people out there who actually welcomerepparttar 139815 hype.

These arerepparttar 139816 type of people who WANT you to tell them exactly what they want to hear. And what's that?

How to Succeed in MLM Without Really Trying

Written by Steve Lowell

Copyright 2005 Steve Lowell

How do you succeed in MLM without really trying? can’t!

But now that I have your attention, here are some ideas that will makerepparttar business building process far easier then most people experience.

There are many reasons why people find MLM difficult, there are two, however, that stand out aboverepparttar 139724 rest:

1.They use an “inbound” recruiting methodology 2.They recruitrepparttar 139725 wrong people

Let’s take a look at number 1; “inbound” recruiting methodology:

Most people try to recruit by focusing onrepparttar 139726 exact wrong information. The typical approach is to throw enough information atrepparttar 139727 prospect (company, compensation plan, products etc) that, hopefullyrepparttar 139728 prospect will find something that he likes and joinrepparttar 139729 business. The problem with this approach is…well…it doesn’t work! At least not often enough for most people to build a solid business.

I call this “inbound” methodology because it’s all about trying to recruit people forrepparttar 139730 sole reason of building YOUR business…it’s about your gain, not theirs.

I have had countless people try to “recruit” me by trying to impress me with their wonderful company, revolutionary compensation plan or cutting edge product, but no one has yet to ask me a single question about my needs, wants or “don’t-wants.” No one has asked me any questions that identify weather or not I might be interested in looking at making as change. An outbound process is when we identify true prospects by trying to help those who have an unwanted condition in their lives which could be solved by their participation in our business.

People will not migrate towards change unless they require change. So, step number one is to identifyrepparttar 139731 unwanted condition orrepparttar 139732 needs, wants and “don’t-wants” then offerrepparttar 139733 prospectrepparttar 139734 opportunity to explore a solution for THEIR reasons…not yours. Seerepparttar 139735 difference?

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