Is There Any Way Out Of This Mess?

Written by Neale Donald Walsch

Neale Donald Walsch - Is there any way out of this mess?

From Conversations with God, Book 2, pgs. 173-171-172,174:

"Yes, Shall I say it again? A shift of consciousness.

You cannot solverepparttar problems which plague humankind through governmental action or by political means. You have been trying that for thousands of years.

The change that must be made can be made only inrepparttar 128874 hearts of men...

You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each other. The only solution isrepparttar 128875 Ultimate Truth; nothing exists inrepparttar 128876 Universe that is separate from anything else. Everything is intrinsically connected, irrevocably interdependent, interactive, interwoven intorepparttar 128877 fabric of all life.

All government, all politics, must be based on this truth. All laws must be rooted in it...consciousness is everything. Of what are you aware? What do you know? I have told you before: all attack is a call for help.

If You're Not Ready - Don't Start

Written by Rachelle Disbennett-Lee

There are times when we feel we should take action, but feel stuck or unsure. Action does assist with moving forward, butrepparttar first question to ask is "Am I ready?". We might be willing and able, but if we are not ready we will have a false start. We will sabotage ourselves. Being ready is about commitment. Being ready is also a mindset. At times we have to be pretty fed up before we are really ready to make a change. A friend recently quit her job after months of being miserable. She was willing and able, but for some reason she could not let go of what she called "the job from hell." The last straw for her was being demoted and having her salary cut. This action byrepparttar 128872 company moved her to being ready. As humans we can put up with a whole lot. We tolerate and tolerate until finally we are pushed torepparttar 128873 point of being ready. It does seem pretty common that becoming ready often happens after we are totally fed up. There is a way to become ready without being pushed overrepparttar 128874 edge. One question I like to ask myself is "What isrepparttar 128875 worst thing that can happen?". Once I haverepparttar 128876 answer,repparttar 128877 next question is "And can I live with that?". Ifrepparttar 128878 answer is yes, then chances are you are ready to make your move. If you are still not sure - begin seeking other options. Keep working on those two questions until you come up with a solution that you can live with.

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