Is Search Engine Positioning Dead? (The Truth May Surprise You!)

Written by Jesse Horowitz

One ofrepparttar trendiest takes on Internet marketing these days seems to be this notion that securing top search engine rankings "no longer works." Where it started, I have no idea. But rarely does a week go by when I do not see one or more Internet marketing "experts" claiming that search engine positioning is largely a waste of time and should not be a primary focus of web site owners. Well, asrepparttar 128142 saying goes, "there are two sides to every story." But this article is not about my side, or your side, or anyone else's side. Let's forget about my opinion and other "experts" opinions and stick torepparttar 128143 indisputable facts, as reported by highly credible 3rd party sources: ·According to a Forrester Research Media Field Study, getting a loyal audience inrepparttar 128144 first place is best done by Search Engine Placement. ·According to a GVU Users Survey, 84.8% of Internet users use Search Engines to find websites. ·In a study released by ActivMedia Research, Search Engine Positioning was ranked asrepparttar 128145 #1 website promotional method used by eCommerce sites. ·And look what I just found in an issue of Target Marketing Magazine.(Source:IMT "Top Ways Websites are Discovered" Banner ads: 1% Targeted email: 1.2 TV spots: 1.4% "By accident": 2.1% Magazine ads: 4.4% Word-of-mouth: 20% Random Surfing: 20% Search Engines: 46% You have now seenrepparttar 128146 numbers and know that search engine promotion is very much alive and kicking. Now I will take it a step further. Let us examinerepparttar 128147 quality of prospects coming to your web site through search engines as opposed to other advertising mediums. Every time your potential customers userepparttar 128148 search engines, they qualify themselves as hot prospects by conducting searches on keywords that are directly related to your product or service. Their choice of keywords is proof that they have a genuine interest in what you offer. These people spend their valuable time exploringrepparttar 128149 search engines for your type of product or service.

Search Engine Robots - How They Work, What They Do (Part I)

Written by Daria Goetsch

Automated search engine robots, sometimes called "spiders" or "crawlers", are repparttar seekers of web pages. How do they work? What is it they really do? Why are they important?

You'd think with allrepparttar 128141 fuss about indexing web pages to add to search engine databases, that robots would be great and powerful beings. Wrong. Search engine robots have only basic functionality like that of early browsers in terms of what they can understand in a web page. Like early browsers, robots just can't do certain things. Robots don't understand frames, Flash movies, images or JavaScript. They can't enter password protected areas and they can't click all those buttons you have on your website. They can be stopped cold while indexing a dynamically generated URL and slowed to a stop with JavaScript navigation.

How Do Search Engine Robots Work? Think of search engine robots as automated data retrieval programs, traveling repparttar 128142 web to find information and links.

When you submit a web page to a search engine atrepparttar 128143 "Submit a URL" page,repparttar 128144 new URL is added torepparttar 128145 robot's queue of websites to visit on its next foray out ontorepparttar 128146 web. Even if you don't directly submit a page, many robots will find your site because of links from other sites that point back to yours. This is one ofrepparttar 128147 reasons why it is important to build your link popularity and to get links from other topical sites back to yours.

When arriving at your website,repparttar 128148 automated robots first check to see if you have a robots.txt file. This file is used to tell robots which areas of your site are off-limits to them. Typically these may be directories containing only binaries or other filesrepparttar 128149 robot doesn't need to concern itself with.

Robots collect links from each page they visit, and later follow those links through to other pages. In this way, they essentially followrepparttar 128150 links from one page to another. The entire World Wide Web is made up of links,repparttar 128151 original idea being that you could follow links from one place to another. This is how robots get around.

The "smarts" about indexing pages online comes fromrepparttar 128152 search engine engineers, who deviserepparttar 128153 methods used to evaluaterepparttar 128154 informationrepparttar 128155 search engine robots retrieve. When introduced intorepparttar 128156 search engine database,repparttar 128157 information is available for searchers queryingrepparttar 128158 search engine. When a search engine user enters their query intorepparttar 128159 search engine, there are a number of quick calculations done to make sure thatrepparttar 128160 search engine presents justrepparttar 128161 right set of results to give their visitorrepparttar 128162 most relevant response to their query.

You can see which pages on your siterepparttar 128163 search engine robots have visited by looking at your server logs orrepparttar 128164 results from your log statistics program. Identifyingrepparttar 128165 robots will show you when they visited your website, which pages they visited and how often they visit. Some robots are readily identifiable by their user agent names, like Google's "Googlebot"; others are bit more obscure, like Inktomi's "Slurp". Still other robots may be listed in your logs that you cannot readily identify; some of them may even appear to be human-powered browsers.

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