Is New MSN Search More Precise? Just Ask Google.

Written by Lisa Melvin

MSN finally unleashed its new search technology torepparttar world on Monday. The official announcement coming from Bill Gates introducedrepparttar 128075 New MSN Search engine, ending with a personal invitation to visit and “type in your question.”

Here at, we consider ourselves to be veteran internet searchers, often able to easily findrepparttar 128076 information we're after. Considering we spend all day every day online, we should be. Even so, we rarely venture to type search queries inrepparttar 128077 form of questions on search engines, except forrepparttar 128078 handful of times we visit AskJeeves.

The thought of being invited to type in a question at MSN's new search engine intrigued us. We decided to followrepparttar 128079 trail of links to learn more about what they were offering. We were, at first, impressed withrepparttar 128080 pages singingrepparttar 128081 praises ofrepparttar 128082 new "more precise, more powerful" MSN Search service. We were impressed, that is, until around page five ofrepparttar 128083 "learn more" series of MSN's site pages. That's when we started to get tired of clicking "next."

Turns out there were ten pages devoted to learning more about what MSN Search offers (which perhaps could have been explained less painfully). But at, we're dedicated online marketing professionals, so we hung in there.

We were informed that MSN's search results would now be drawn from their encyclopedia, MSN Encarta, enabling it to function effectively as a reference tool for finding things like definitions, conversions, geographic capitals and historical events. And that it could also now perform news and image searches and would draw music related results from its own MSN Music, placing artist information and sample song clips atrepparttar 128084 top of any music related search results.

MSN was also offering search functions for your own desktop or Outlook email (if you're so inclined to download those). Throughoutrepparttar 128085 "learn more" pages, they gave search examples. The first search examples given were inrepparttar 128086 form of questions; questions with specific answers like "Who is LeBron James?" and "What isrepparttar 128087 mass of Jupiter?"

MSN Search, they said, would give you more control over your searches, with filters to refine and a "near me" button to instantly localize results. Sounded good and well, but we were still more intrigued with that initial invitation to "visit and type in your question."

So we tried it. We visited MSN Search and decided to use one of their examples, typing inrepparttar 128088 question, "What isrepparttar 128089 mass of Jupiter?" To our shock and pleasure, there it was--an answer, right atrepparttar 128090 top and separated fromrepparttar 128091 actual web results. It said, "Answer: Jupiter: mass: 318 Earth Masses."

Search Engine Secrets

Written by Syd Johnson

1. Search engines read your pages fromrepparttar top down. So, you want to use your critical keywords at least once inrepparttar 128074 first paragraph on each web page. Then you can use it once in

each paragraph after that and inrepparttar 128075 last line. Userepparttar 128076 search engine keywords in your page title and inrepparttar 128077 name of your

page if possible. All of this coordination will result in a much higher placement on Google, Yahoo and many other search


2. Write shorter articles The top search engines experts believe that google gives much more weight to relatively smaller pages. The theory behind this

is that web surfers have such a short attention span that thesis length pages will be ignored; therefore, they are not useful

in search engine results.

A good guide for online articles is 300 to 600 words. Typically, you don’t want to go under 200 becauserepparttar 128078 information would

probably be discarded as too short to adequately explain any topic in detail.

3. Original content works best If you are going to submit an article to an ezine or other article directories, make a few changes before you do so. Overall,

the search engines prefer fresh original content. While duplicate content gets your name out onrepparttar 128079 web and lots of incoming

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