Is Moderate Drinking Good For You, Part II

Written by Loring A,. Windblad

Author’s note: here we begin Part II. This was necessary due torepparttar GoArticles restriction on article length, this beingrepparttar 113947 completion ofrepparttar 113948 first section, Part I.

How alcohol might protectrepparttar 113949 heart

There are several plausible biological mechanisms by which modest alcohol consumption might lower coronary heart disease risks. Inrepparttar 113950 short term, alcohol can reducerepparttar 113951 formation of blood clots that block arterial bloodflow (leading to heart attacks) by diminishing blood platelet aggregation and alteringrepparttar 113952 action of fibrinogen (an enzyme necessary for clotting). The immediate action of alcohol is antithrombitic -- decreasingrepparttar 113953 blood's clotting power in muchrepparttar 113954 same way that ASA (Aspirin) protects against heart attacks. Inrepparttar 113955 long run, modest alcohol intake gradually curtailsrepparttar 113956 build-up of atherosclerotic plaque on artery walls and helps raise levels of high-density lipoproteins -- HDL or "good" cholesterol -- which removes cholesterol fromrepparttar 113957 bloodstream and eliminates it viarepparttar 113958 liver. Alcohol may also help preserverepparttar 113959 vitamin E and other antioxidants in cell membranes.

Narrow "window of benefit” for alcohol drinkers

The influence of alcohol in reducing heart attacks occurs only within a narrow range or small "window" of modest consumption. Cardiac protection from alcohol only occurs with low-level drinking -- at intakes of two or fewer drinks per day (and not every day) and only in people over age 35-40.

Women's are much more sensitive to alcohol

Although fewer women than men are heavy drinkers, women are more susceptible to damage from alcohol at lower levels. At a given dose per body weight, women suffer more harmful effects than men, except, of course, forrepparttar 113960 knowns benefits of a glass of beer a day during pregnancy – but only for “some” women, not for all women “acrossrepparttar 113961 board”. Pregnant women advised to refrain from drinking

Except as noted previously, and then only onrepparttar 113962 advice of your doctor, women who drink alcohol while pregnant, especially more than one drink a day, can harmrepparttar 113963 developing fetus. Pregnant women are advised to abstain from alcohol (except as previously noted) because ofrepparttar 113964 risk of birth defects and fetal alcohol syndrome.

Even though some medical professionals recommend moderate drinking for some few patients, health authorities in general do not encourage drinking in any amount.

Bewarerepparttar 113965 slippery slope of addiction

Addiciton –repparttar 113966 status of having become alcohol-dependent. Some people who start with one or two glasses a day, gradually increase this amount until they are consuming many drinks a day with allrepparttar 113967 attendant consequences. Some reach a "point of no return" where they find it impossible to cut back or do without their (several) daily drinks. There is a real risk factor involved in consumption of alcohol and that is “Addiction” – becoming an alcoholic!

Treating Sinus Infections

Written by Paul Hood

Sinusitis is an ailment afflicting almost 31 million Americans each year. It brings much discomfort making it very much important to find a suitable cure for this condition.

It is an infection ofrepparttar sinuses,repparttar 113946 passages that lie behind your cheeks, nose, and eyes. Colds, viruses, and allergies often leaverepparttar 113947 sinuses vulnerable to infection. Sinusitis may also result from an infected tooth, swimming, a disease inrepparttar 113948 sinuses, or an injury torepparttar 113949 sinuses.

The symptoms of sinusitis may include fever, weakness, tiredness, coughing that is more severe at night and runny nose or nasal congestion. It may also include bad breathe, green nasal discharge and pressure or a headache inrepparttar 113950 eyes, nose or cheek area.

Various approaches have been devised to combat this condition. There are medical and natural alternatives that have been found to be effective. As always, home care has always proven to be effective in giving comfort to sinus problems. For one, you can inhale steam to unclog your sinuses. Add a drop of lavender or eucalyptus oil in a pot of water to help makerepparttar 113951 release of trapped mucus faster. I myself have had an episode like this but thanks to steam, I’m now breathing fine. You can also resort to massaging particular spots in your face to stimulate quick relief from facial pains. Eating spicy foods is a surefire way to get those trapped mucus downrepparttar 113952 drain.

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