Is It Inside Or Out?

Written by Helaine Iris

Is It Inside Or Out? Helaine Iris © 2003

“Good fences make good neighbors.” Robert Frost

I listened intently as my client described how lousy his past week had been. Up to that point in our work together his progress had been steady, and his energy level had gradually increased. This week, however, he felt miserable, physically and emotionally.

I asked him if he could identify any factors that might have createdrepparttar shift in his energy. He told me about some increased pressure at work and that he stopped doing his daily spiritual practice, something he had made a commitment to himself to maintain.

Suddenly, inrepparttar 123562 middle of our investigation, he changedrepparttar 123563 subject and began to tell me about a small drama unfolding with his neighbor. He shared thatrepparttar 123564 adjacent boundary lines with this neighbor had never been clearly defined. Recently,repparttar 123565 neighbor took it upon himself to markrepparttar 123566 property line with some stakes according to his own interpretation.

The neighbor's act annoyed my client. It also re-opened a can of worms that had been closed long ago. Although reticent, my client was ready to initiate a conversation withrepparttar 123567 neighbor. He wanted to clarifyrepparttar 123568 property line question. What became strikingly curious to both of us was why he'd been willing to toleraterepparttar 123569 unclear boundary for so many years.

I then pointed out what seemed like an interesting connection between his lousy week, stopping his spiritual practice andrepparttar 123570 property line issue with his neighbor.

I could see it in his eyes as it dawned on him that perhaps he had not clearly defined and statedrepparttar 123571 importance of his own internal boundary, in this case maintaining his spiritual practice. He unconsciously dropped something instrumental to his self-care in deference torepparttar 123572 demands of his work.

How interesting that what was reflected in my client’s outer world was a projection of what was going on in his inner world. His irritation withrepparttar 123573 long-standing property line issue andrepparttar 123574 neighbor’s action came to light when he discovered that he crossed his own internal boundary and began to feel undesirable consequences. He was having a hard time “staking” off his own inner boundary and became aware of it when his neighbor tookrepparttar 123575 initiative to stake off his.

Join the Famous Losers Club

Written by Carole Pagan

Joinrepparttar Famous Losers Club Carole Pagan (C) 2003

Feeling Frustrated?

Tired of people looking at you with pity or disgust?

Feel like you just don't fit in anywhere?

Good. You are destined for success.

Here are some people who you may have heard of that facedrepparttar 123561 same thing.

Abraham Lincoln Fred Astaire Stephen King Sylvester Stalone Thomas Edison Cornel Sanders

How about J.K. Rowling, author ofrepparttar 123562 Harry Potter books? Did you know that she wroterepparttar 123563 first book in a coffee shop? After she gotrepparttar 123564 kids off to school she would head down torepparttar 123565 coffee shop because she couldn't afford heat.

No one thought any of these people would ever make it. And there are thousands more of these stories.

Uncommon success comes from uncommon perseverance. You can only muster that perseverance if you truly love what you are doing. Take a good look at what you are trying to accomplish. Are you doing what you are doing because that's really what YOU want to do?

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