Is Green Tea Good for Me?

Written by Jake Mayer

Health Benefits of Green Tea by Jake Mayer,

Scientific studies continue to show that green tea is good for you.

Tea began its illustrious history as a Chinese medicinal drink, and only gradually did it becomerepparttar popular beverage that it is today. In traditional Chinese medicine, tea is considered good for you to clearrepparttar 137837 eyes and head, resolve excess phlegm, promote urination, relieve toxins, aidrepparttar 137838 digestion, and quench thirst. As with so many foods and medicines,repparttar 137839 traditional Chinese medicinal thoughts are being proven scientifically in modern times. Today, there is ample evidence to recommend tea as a daily tonic inrepparttar 137840 interest of preventing or treating a wide range of maladies, including: cancer, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, premature aging, food poisoning, dental decay and bad breath, and even arthritis.

Tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibitingrepparttar 137841 growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibitingrepparttar 137842 abnormal formation of blood clots.  The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) isrepparttar 137843 leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.

• Green tea may help dieters.   In November, 1999,repparttar 137844 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition publishedrepparttar 137845 results of a study atrepparttar 137846 University of Geneva in Switzerland.  Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

• A Japanese report found that men who drank ten cups of green tea per day stayed cancer-free for three years longer than men who drank less than three cups a day (there are approximately 240 - 320 mg of polyphenols in three cups of green tea). Meanwhile, a study by Cleveland's Western Reserve University concluded that drinking four or more cups of green tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in individuals already suffering fromrepparttar 137847 disease.  

• Scientists atrepparttar 137848 Saitama Cancer Research Institute discovered that there were fewer recurrances of breast cancer, andrepparttar 137849 disease spread less quickly, in women with a history of drinking five cups or more of green tea daily.

• Scientists also discovered that EGCG from green tea can help to prevent metastasis, orrepparttar 137850 movement and spreading of cancer cells from one organ or tissue torepparttar 137851 other by bloodstream or lymph. Cancer cells secrete special enzymes in order to enter and colonize tissues. Research shows that EGCG stopsrepparttar 137852 secretion of these special enzymes.

• A case study that was done in China, reports that those women who drank green tea regularly had a 50% lower risk of developing esophageal cancer. Men showed less risk as well, but not as significant as women.

• Researchers from Sweden reported that green tea blockedrepparttar 137853 development of new blood vessels inrepparttar 137854 lungs. By blockingrepparttar 137855 development of new blood vessels inrepparttar 137856 lungs, tumors are less likely to grow and metastasize. Scientists believe that EGCG plays a significant rule in blockingrepparttar 137857 development of tumors. Similar results were achieved in breast cancer, colon cancer and melanoma studies. It is believed that drinking green tea for an extended period of time will help to prevent and might cure cancer naturally.

Be informed about the Medications You Take.

Written by Charles Essmeier

The recent withdrawal ofrepparttar prescription drugs Vioxx and Bextra have arthritis patients concerned about their health, lawyers busy with lawsuits, and Congress poring over thousands of pages of documents obtained fromrepparttar 137818 manufacturer. The drugs, part of a family of medications known as COX-2 inhibitors, have recently been shown to increaserepparttar 137819 risk of heart attacks and strokes among users who takerepparttar 137820 drugs for long periods of time. These findings have more and more people starting to pay more attention torepparttar 137821 drugs that are prescribed for them.

Many people, when ill, see their doctor and ask them to prescribe something that will make them feel better. When appropriate, their physicians will do so, andrepparttar 137822 patients typically run down to their pharmacy to get that prescription filled. They then take their medication as prescribed, usually without giving it much thought. This is probably not wise, especially in view ofrepparttar 137823 recent findings with Bextra and Vioxx. Patients would be well advised to become more informed aboutrepparttar 137824 medications prescribed for them. Here are some things you can do to be more informed aboutrepparttar 137825 medicines you take:

  • Ask your doctor questions. Make sure he or she knows about any allergies you might have

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