Is Free Becoming A Thing Of The Past?

Written by Richard Lowe

There's something aboutrepparttar word "free". I mean, it's very attractive and for some reason many of us think that "free" also means "quality" and "desirable" and, of course, "get it now". That's one reason why you see free stuff all overrepparttar 113280 web.

Of course, giving away free services and goods has been a way to get people into a store (or to a web site) for countless ages. I'm sure that way back inrepparttar 113281 Roman times they gave away free bread or trinkets to get people hook people in, just like web sites do now. But onrepparttar 113282 web "free" seems to have been taken to ludicrous extremes. it seems that everyone wants it for "free". A web site has to offer something, anything, for free to get people to visit. There are entire companies who are entirely devoted to giving away free things. Even such giants as "Yahoo" are almost entirely based uponrepparttar 113283 concept of free giveaways.

Now that Yahoo has announced that it will start charging for auctions,repparttar 113284 question begs: "is free a thing ofrepparttar 113285 past?" Will other sites start charging for things that, outside ofrepparttar 113286 internet, they would normally charge for?

Personally, I don't think this is going to happen. One thing that makesrepparttar 113287 internet different from anything we have experienced inrepparttar 113288 past is it's vastness. Someone who is surfingrepparttar 113289 internet literally has billions (and in a half dozen years more like trillions) of choices.

Onrepparttar 113290 internet there is no such thing as unique - at least not for long. How can there be? With so many people (over 300 million last time I looked), there is such an explosion of creativeness that there is going to be overlap and similarities everywhere.

Free Stuff: Translation Services

Written by Richard Lowe

One of very cool facts aboutrepparttar internet is that it is truly global in scope. You can send emails to people all overrepparttar 113279 planet, visit newsgroups and find posts in different languages, and you can rest assured that your web site will probably be seen by people of other cultures and nationalities.

It still boggles my mind when I surf to a Russian or Czechoslovakian site. I still feel a thrill when I find pages fromrepparttar 113280 People's Republic of China, Hungary and Vietnam. This is because I grew up duringrepparttar 113281 Cold War era, and clearly remember speeches where Ronald Reagan referred to Russia asrepparttar 113282 evil empire. Yet now we can surf their web sites at will, and people in Russia can look at ours as often as they like.

Personally, I think this isrepparttar 113283 true purpose ofrepparttar 113284 internet, and it's great promise - to help people communicate with one another. By talking (or sending emails or whatever) we can become more in tune with each other's needs, desires, lifestyles, hopes, dreams and other emotions, which in turn allows us all to understand what's going on and why people actrepparttar 113285 way that they do.

Surfingrepparttar 113286 internet I have come to know people in Russia, one ofrepparttar 113287 most powerful countries inrepparttar 113288 world, had to stand in line to get potatoes, something that I eat everyday and take for granted. I have come to tears learning about famines in Africa and felt joy learning of a South African woman's new child. These are experiences that I may never have shared had I not been surfingrepparttar 113289 internet.

However, one ofrepparttar 113290 frustrations of this vast melding of cultures and communications is language. Many of these pages, emails and postings are written in languages which are not known to me. I am sure that virtually everyone has feltrepparttar 113291 same frustration of seeing a wonderful web page and not being able to understand whatrepparttar 113292 author was attempting to communicate.

You will be happy to know that you can use any ofrepparttar 113293 following free translation services to translate text from one language to another.

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