Is Court in Session?

Written by Jerry Lopper

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TITLE: Is Court in Session? AUTHOR: Jerry Lopper CONTACT:

COPYRIGHT: ©2002 by Jerry Lopper. All rights reserved

WORD COUNT: 533 FORMAT: This article is formatted to 61 cpl.


Is Court in Session?

Is your courtroom in session? That is, are you acting as prosecutor, judge, and jury for your fellow humans? Do you evaluaterepparttar 131096 actions and behaviors of your loved ones, reminding them even silently that they’re doing thingsrepparttar 131097 "wrong" way? I thought my courtroom was closed, but I was fooled by my mind.

I thought I had ceased judging behaviors of others as right or wrong, but found that I had simply maskedrepparttar 131098 judgments; I covered them up with self-righteous thinking. Avoiding judgment is difficult, a big shift of behavior for many of us. I succeeded, forrepparttar 131099 most part, in avoiding verbalizing my judgments, butrepparttar 131100 internal judging continued, and that self-righteous energy transmits to others just as strongly as words.

So now I’ve renewed my commitment to myself to avoid judging others for what they say, how they say it, and their resulting actions. Why? Judging others is hard work. Judging others is not only hard in terms of effort, it adversely affects one’s state of being. The next time you find yourself judging some behavior as right or wrong, stop and take an inventory of your feelings. I think you’ll find feelings of tension, defensiveness, superiority, and separation. I think you’ll observe your mind at work prosecutingrepparttar 131101 offense and handing out punishments. Focus on your body. I think you’ll notice taut muscles, grim features, and aggressive positioning. Is this what you want for yourself? I don’t, yet that’srepparttar 131102 result of judging.

The Path of Appreciation

Written by Selena Richardson

Without appreciation, any success you have will be in vain and worthless. Yes, you would have accomplished your goals but it would be an empty win.

How do you start onrepparttar path of appreciation? Acknowledge and give thanks for what you already have,repparttar 131094 good andrepparttar 131095 bad alike. Forrepparttar 131096 bad things and situations in your life reveal contrasts and life lessons that you were meant to learn.

Where doesrepparttar 131097 path of appreciation lead? To your dreams coming true.

You want to lose weight but you don't love and appreciaterepparttar 131098 body image you have now. Sure it's not what you want it to look like but it's still your body and it still does most if not all ofrepparttar 131099 things that your 'ideal body' could do.

How can you expect to get anywhere without appreciating where you're at now and where you've been? You want to surpass where you're at now but you still need to take a step back to remember and appreciate how you got to where you are today.

You want a brand new car yet do you appreciaterepparttar 131100 one you have now? True it's not up to standards when compared to newer models. It might have a few scratches here and there but it still runs right? And doesn't it faithfully get you back and forth from point A to point B? Of course it's notrepparttar 131101 prettiest ride onrepparttar 131102 block but you can ride aroundrepparttar 131103 block in it and then some right?

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