The heartfelt words still plead today, and ring true as ever: "Why will you die, O House of Israel?" The Prophet Ezekiel informed his audience that it wasn't God's Will for them to suffer and die, but rather that they would turn from their self-destructive ways and live (Ezekiel 18:30-32).
For years I have written letters to The Jerusalem Post and elsewhere, decrying Israeli government's submission to foreign authorities, sacrificing their national security due to unbearable pressure from international community, and have encouraged Jewish homeland to love and obey God and trust in Him, not fickle men or nations that have proven they can't be relied upon (Joel 3:1-2).
Now I've come to sad conclusion, grievous understanding, that Israeli leaders have often sold out their land and people to foreign interests, bloating their personal bank accounts at Israel's expense, and that pressure was often an excuse for them to do what they had already agreed upon: continue lying peace process of phased destruction, dismantle Jewish homeland, dismember their Mother piece by piece and pervert Promised Land of Israel into an accursed "Palestine" (Ps. 83:4).
Israeli officials, bought and paid for like political prostitutes they are, serve their German-Jesuit EU Masters (with plants in Washington, D.C. and other world capitols) and are gambling with land and lives of every Israeli. They foolishly imagine that they can contain breach in Israeli security that they are collaborating in (Daniel 11:32, Joel 3:1-2), a deadly serious breach that will break open and flood Holy Land with foreign troops and sweep them away for filthy liars they've become with their false visions of "peace" (Isaiah 28:14-18), based upon BIG LIE OF EUROPEAN "GUARANTEES" OF PEACE AND SECURITY.
The kapos of compromise are destined to get stomped by EU jackboot that will trample Jerusalem and pollute Israel!(Zechariah 14:1-2). They will not escape coming Holocaust that will pale former and will scorch American and British peoples as well.
Together we are leading tribes of ancient Israel, Joseph (Joes/Anglo-Saxons) and Judah (Jews), and will be overthrown in a nuclear coup ignited by modern Assyrians: GERMANY.
Germany is driving force behind EU empire in making, under influence of Vatican who has never given up their Crusader-Kingdom dream of possessing Jerusalem!
How pitiful are those plaintive letters of concerned Israeli citizens and Jewish and Christian-Zionist supporters worldwide! They're still foolishly believing, like I once did, that Israel is only doing what they're forced to do, against their better judgment.