Is Blogging For You? Take This Quick Quiz

Written by Michael Cheney

There's a new craze sweepingrepparttar world. It's called 'blogging' and a new blog is being created every few seconds. But what is it all about and should you join in?

**What The Hell Is A Blog Anyway?

The word 'blog' is a shortened version of 'web blog'. A 'web log' just means a log or diary-type entry onrepparttar 124551 web. So if you were away travelling on a roundrepparttar 124552 world trip you might post a diary on a website so your friends and family could keep up to date with your progress. On this online diary, or 'web blog' you might also post photos for your friends and family to view.

And so -repparttar 124553 BLOG was born. And it's really nothing more than that - a collection of thoughts and information from one individual to be read and seen by others.

**So What Makes A Blog Different To A Website?

A blog is more immediate and informal. A blog doesn't have a homepage as such - it just has blog entries or 'posts'. The author or 'blogger' makes regular posts intorepparttar 124554 blog that are archived as new ones are added.

The main difference between a website and a blog is that a blog is designed to be added to much more frequently than a website. Some blogs are added to by their authors once a day or more! But it has to be said that such bloggers are inrepparttar 124555 minority.

**Is Blogging For You?

Well, it provides you with a unique opportunity to keep in close contact with a specific group of people. The CEO of a company may choose to launch a blog to keep in touch with staff members and shareholders. As a business-owner you might want to start a blog to let your customers or suppliers know what is happening in your business.

Blogs are not for everyone, so here's a few key questions to ask yourself.

** Question 1

Do you want to keep in close contact, on a one-to-one basis with a specific group of individuals?

** Question 2

Do you haverepparttar 124556 time to add a new and valuable information to your blog at least once a week? (Or can you pay someone to do this on your behalf?)

Possibly The Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The Search Engines...

Written by Brad Callen

"Possibly The Biggest Misconception About Ranking Well In The Search Engines..."

Which is more important? Onpage optimization or Offpage optimization? If you are serious about getting your website torepparttar top ofrepparttar 124550 search engines, you MUST knowrepparttar 124551 answer to this question...

Quick Review

Onpage search engine optimization are things that you can change ON your webpage.

* Title tag * Header tags * Bolding, Italicizing, Underlining * Alt image tags * Meta Tags * Etc.

Offpage search engine optimization comes down to basically 1 thing, which websites are linking to your wesbite and how they're doing it.

* Anchor text uses in your link * The title ofrepparttar 124552 page your link is on * The page rank ofrepparttar 124553 page your link is on * The "theme" ofrepparttar 124554 website your link is on * Etc.

By now, I'm hoping you see that it'srepparttar 124555 offpage search engine optimization factors that will get your website torepparttar 124556 top ofrepparttar 124557 search engines. Again,repparttar 124558 onpage factors are things you SHOULD do, but are not nearly as important asrepparttar 124559 offpage factors.

Ok... Let me show you why.

Let's analyze a website!

In this example I'm going to analyzerepparttar 124560 #1 ranked website on Google forrepparttar 124561 search term "click here".

First, let's go to Google and enter "click here".

You'll notice thatrepparttar 124562 #1 ranked website is That's interesting...

Now, why would rank #1 for that search term? I would think would rank well for terms like:

* graphic design programs * create printable documents * web design programs * and other keywords related to what they sell...

A few things that you should notice by looking atrepparttar 124563 picture above.

1. The word "click here" isn't inrepparttar 124564 page title 2. The word "click here" isn't inrepparttar 124565 URL ofrepparttar 124566 website. 3. The word "click here" isn't even inrepparttar 124567 description listed by Google!

Now, let's click onrepparttar 124568 listing in Google and check outrepparttar 124569 actual webpage.

Now, get this... The words "click here" aren't even onrepparttar 124570 webpage, anywhere!

If all of those onpage optimization techniques that many SEO companies talk about were true, then don't you think a different website would rank #1 for this term?

Onpage optimization factors like:

* keyword density * keyword prominence * keyword proximity * bolding, italicizing, underlining * etc.

are NOT critical to worry about when trying to rank well for a search term.

Yes, you should spinkle your keyword throughoutrepparttar 124571 webpage and dorepparttar 124572 other onpage optimization techniques I've taught you in previous lessons, but again, I really want to drill this into your head. It isrepparttar 124573 offpage optimization that will increase your rankings inrepparttar 124574 search engines; specifically Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Then why exactly does rank #1 on Google forrepparttar 124575 term "click here"?

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