Is A Treadmill The Right Exercise Equipment For You?

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

The #1 fear people have when buying a treadmill is that they won't use it. (That'srepparttar #1 fear when buying any piece of exercise equipment).

They know that a treadmill can help them lose weight, get fit, burn extra calories and reach their fitness goals.

But that's only if you use it. A treadmill is a large investment to make and you want to be sure that it isrepparttar 112898 right piece of exercise equipment for your needs.

How do you know if a treadmill is right for you? How do you know if it's suitable forrepparttar 112899 kind of exercise that fits your lifestyle?

If you're thinking about buying a treadmill, here are 3 ways to tell if a treadmill isrepparttar 112900 right piece of exercise equipment for you:

#1 Do you prefer to exercise alone or in groups?

Walking on a treadmill is not a group activity (it could be - but that's a little dangerous). If you prefer to exercise with other people, say for example in a group sports situation, a treadmill might not berepparttar 112901 best choice for you.

Of course a treadmill can add another side to your exercise options if you do get most of your exercise from social or group sports. But if you absolutely hate exercising by yourself, don't buy a treadmill.

Onrepparttar 112902 other hand, some people enjoy exercising on their own - it's a sort of getaway fromrepparttar 112903 constant social buzz surrounding them every day. A treadmill would be great for someone looking for this kind of exercise 'retreat'.

#2) Do you prefer to exercise outdoors or indoors?

Some people prefer to exercise outdoors. They take hikes to enjoyrepparttar 112904 beauty of nature or rollerblade downrepparttar 112905 sidewalks to take inrepparttar 112906 fresh air. If you prefer to be outdoors to exercise then a treadmill may not be for you.

And if you live in all-year-round sunny, warm weather, you may not need a treadmill (then again, you may prefer a cooler, air-conditioned workout.)

However, if you happen to live in seasonal climates where it rains, snows or both, a treadmill can be a handy tool to maintain your fitness regimen duringrepparttar 112907 bleak weather months. Exercising on your treadmill can help you fight winter weight gain and even stave off those nasty winter blues.

#3 Do you enjoy walking, jogging or running?

Walking is an exercise that everybody can do. It's simple, doesn't require heightened coordination, and can be a great way to clear your head and deal with stress. Anyone can do it, regardless of fitness level - from absolute beginner to elite athlete.

There are also people who enjoyrepparttar 112908 rhythm and routine of jogging or running. Running or jogging is also one ofrepparttar 112909 best all-round ways to burn fat. Again, it's fairly simple to do and doesn't require complex coordination.

Whilerepparttar 112910 benefits to walking, jogging and running are numerous, some people just don't like to exercise this way. They likerepparttar 112911 challenge of a box-aerobics class or mastering a complicated martial art. If you fall into this category, a treadmill will not meet your exercise preferences and it may not berepparttar 112912 right machine for you.

If you do like walking but still want a challenge or even a distraction, there are easy ways to get this with your treadmill.

Buying A Treadmill - 3 Essential Tips

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Buying A Treadmill – 3 Essential Tips

If you're buying a treadmill, chances are you've done lots of research already. You probably know exactly what makes up a high quality treadmill and have an idea of which features you want in your unit.

But even with this knowledge many people still fall prey to slick treadmill deals that end up costing them inrepparttar long run.

In order to keep that from happening to you, here are 3 essential buying tips to make sure you chooserepparttar 112897 very best treadmill for you.

#1) Not All Treadmill Brands Are Created Equal

I recently had a gentleman e-mail me asking for advice on which treadmill he should buy. He had narrowed it down to 3 choices:

Choice #1: Brand A: 2.5 HP motor $999

Choice #2: Brand A: 1.75 HP motor $899

Choice #3: Brand B: 2.0 HP motor $1099

He asked me which treadmill I would buy. He was clearly leaning towards Choice #1.

This wasrepparttar 112898 natural choice for most people and it makes sense: getrepparttar 112899 most forrepparttar 112900 least. Or getrepparttar 112901 most motor power forrepparttar 112902 least amount of money.

However, my answer surprised him. I told him if it were my choice, I would go with Choice #3: Brand B for $1099. Here's why:

Althoughrepparttar 112903 motor power is lower than Choice #1 andrepparttar 112904 price is higher, Brand B makes an overall better treadmill. Why?

Brand B has a reputation for making high quality treadmills and backing them up with extensive warranties, including 10 years onrepparttar 112905 motor. It can afford to give such lengthy warranties because it knows that it makes a quality product that probably WON'T break down - even in 10 years.

Brand A onrepparttar 112906 other hand offers a 90-day motor warranty. What does that tell you aboutrepparttar 112907 quality of parts?

Although motor power is a good feature to consider when buying a treadmill - you have to be careful. Look at it inrepparttar 112908 context ofrepparttar 112909 whole treadmill - includingrepparttar 112910 brand.

Not all treadmill brands are created equal. Some treadmill brands use extremely high quality materials. Others well, don't.

Make sure to look beyond justrepparttar 112911 bare numbers when choosing a treadmill. Look atrepparttar 112912 whole picture to findrepparttar 112913 best treadmill for you.

#2) Don't Always Believe What The Salesperson Tells You

Get it in writing. This isn't to put down any salesperson - but they are human. They do make mistakes, and sometimes this can end up costing you.

I had another lady e-mail me asking for advice on choosing a treadmill. She'd narrowed it down to several and was leaning towards one in particular (let's call it Treadmill X).

She had been told by a salesperson inrepparttar 112914 store that this Treadmill X (for $899) came with a lifetime warranty onrepparttar 112915 motor.

This lady was smart. She was looking atrepparttar 112916 whole treadmill picture. The price was excellent. The motor power was average (1.75 HP). And who can pass up a lifetime motor warranty?

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