Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon

Written by Sandy Sayler - WisconsinGuide Magazine

The Madison area is host torepparttar Ironman Wisconsin triathlon with more than 1,800 elite athletes from aroundrepparttar 112914 world are expected to participate. The rush of excitement is building as September 7th is fast approaching. Record attendance is expected this year, as this triathlon is one ofrepparttar 112915 four sanctioned events inrepparttar 112916 United States.

The persistence of these men and women will be challenged torepparttar 112917 fullest as their determination shines through. The 2.4-mile swimming loop will be inrepparttar 112918 incredible waters of beautiful Lake Monona. The biking portion is a 112-mile loop that stretches intorepparttar 112919 rural country backroads touchingrepparttar 112920 entire town of Verona. Take time to visit this proud community as spectators stand onrepparttar 112921 curbs cheeringrepparttar 112922 disciplined bikers as they flash by. Verona’s festival last year alone attracted over 20,000 people and was likened torepparttar 112923 “Tour de France”. The pumped-up pedalers will also be racing through Mount Horeb and Cross Plains. The final 26.2 miles isrepparttar 112924 running portion that testsrepparttar 112925 endurance of each individual. This part ofrepparttar 112926 course will takerepparttar 112927 triathletes through scenic parks, historical sites and local attractions such asrepparttar 112928 University of Madison.

Super Bowl Athletes Prepare for Game Day by Getting Feet and Hands in Shape

Written by Dana Lawrence

Callused, rough feet and hands are a common problem for professional and amateur athletes alike. When their feet and hands are not in top shape, it’s a silent factor that hurts a player's game. Carol J. Buck, CEO of Xenna Corporation, says, "A number of top professional football and basketball teams have used our products to keep their feet and hands in top condition, includingrepparttar New York Jets, Green Bay Packers, Indianapolis Colts, Miami Dolphins, San Antonio Spurs and Orlando Magic." Xenna Corporation offers patented, natural solutions for discolored, thickened toenails, callused feet and hands and dry cracked heels.

Late last year their NonyX® Nail Gel was nominated by a professional football player to for inclusion in FX Sport's National Football League and National Baseball League Alumni Guide and Yearbook. Only products personally endorsed by a player are permitted to appear in these publications.

Patented NonyX Nail Gel is an ethanoic acid topical that rids toenails of their yellow or dark discoloration by exfoliatingrepparttar 112913 source ofrepparttar 112914 problem - keratin debris buildup underrepparttar 112915 nail. Dark or yellow keratin debris can build up under nails over time, causing them to lose their clear, healthy-looking appearance. A recent clinical study confirmed NonyX Nail Gel significantly improves toenail color and clarity by exfoliating yellowing keratin debris from underrepparttar 112916 nail, and is safe for use by diabetics. A 4-oz bottle is a three month supply.

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