Ironman Triad Treadmill

Written by Tim Gorman

The Ironman Triad treadmill is a made-in-Taiwan exercise demon that retails for close to $3000. Its motor, a continuous duty 3 hp model, provides running enthusiasts with 15 different programs. You can set up an automatic heart rate program, choose from 2 manual settings, from 4 programs that are pre-set for you, or customize up to 8 programs of your own design. The Ironman triad treadmill can tolerate up to 350 pounds, and includes an interactive Polar heart rate monitor with chest strap, and a treadbelt 60 inches long and 20 inches wide.

You can choose from three optional accessories for your Ironman triad treadmill as well. Its protective floor mat, retailing at about $25, is durable and dampens sound. Designed to absorb shock during use,repparttar attractive Ironman triad treadmill floor mat also keeps dust and dirt off your carpet.

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Sheep Treadmills

Written by Tim Gorman

The term sheep treadmills refers nowadays torepparttar exercise devices designed to keep a farmer's sheep in good health. In 1990 inventor Victor Tribelhorn came up withrepparttar 147130 concept of sheep treadmills for conditioning and exercising a large number of sheep atrepparttar 147131 same time. The patent was published in 1992. With this device,repparttar 147132 sheep are arranged side by side on these sheep treadmills with their front legs on a stationary stand and their back legs onrepparttar 147133 treadmill belt. The range of speed for these sheep treadmills is 14 to 22 inches for second.

Earlier sheep treadmills, however - those that existed inrepparttar 147134 nineteenth century - were not about offering exercise torepparttar 147135 sheep. Instead, they were farming machines powered, in these pre-electricity days, by sheep and sometimes dogs or goats. Useful for threshing, these sheep treadmills were originally designed in 1834. For treadmills that required heftier weights to run them, horses providedrepparttar 147136 power. Most treadmills, however, ran just fine powered byrepparttar 147137 smaller farm animals.

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