Iron Lung: A True Life Story

Written by Arthur Zulu

She lived in an iron lung for most of her life. She inspired others. Who was she?

"Comfort don't ever leave me," she says to me as she struggles on her death bed. I hold her hands, trying to fight away tears from my eyes. Her struggle now becomes weaker and weaker. And then drawing a deep long breath, her eyes fixed on my face, she dies. The hospital attendants wheeled her away torepparttar morgue. And I thought thatrepparttar 115411 world had ended.

I worked for Hope as an attendant being a nursing-school student. I was taken aback when I first saw this woman living inside a tank called a respirator.

At first, I could not bring myself to ask her how she came into this. As time went by, however, we become familiar and talked freely together. Then one day when her husband came to see how she was doing, I askedrepparttar 115412 question directing it to no one in particular. I thought that her husband would providerepparttar 115413 answer, but instead, it was Hope that started her story.

"One black winter morning in 1948—thirty six years after I was born in Los Angles—I discovered that I was stricken withrepparttar 115414 deadly polio." She swallowed hard and continues. "Things got bad quickly. From flu to paralysis and then torepparttar 115415 hospital where I added up to several polio patients onrepparttar 115416 waiting list." She wanted to scratch herself but since she could not do it herself, she called my attention to it, which I did. And then she resumed her story.

"I was afraid. I thought that I was going to die. For I had to lie on my back onrepparttar 115417 floor ofrepparttar 115418 crowded hospital waiting for an Iron lung. But it was long in coming. Breathing was hard. Then one day, I passed out. I did not know what happened afterward. Job will tell yourepparttar 115419 rest ofrepparttar 115420 story.

"When Hope fainted, I didn't think that she would come back to life again"repparttar 115421 husband continues. "The doctors must have been some kind of magicians because after one week, my wife started to breathe again. And before long, she was placed inrepparttar 115422 next available respirator, much to our relief.

"These Iron lungs were at first thought to be a temporary invention—helping patients to recover—and breathe on their own later. But we discovered thatrepparttar 115423 opposite wasrepparttar 115424 case. Because these breathing machines were to becomerepparttar 115425 permanent homes of many polio sufferers.

"Knowing this, I brought her home withrepparttar 115426 machine. And she has been living inside it forrepparttar 115427 past three decades" he ended and leftrepparttar 115428 room, trying to hide his tears. I tried to fight back mine too. I was trying to really understand what it means to lie on one's back in one spot for over thirty years.

Her faith in God kept her going throughrepparttar 115429 years. She was a very devout Christian and she believed that her suffering was only for a time. And she firmly believed that if she dies, she will be resurrected to live again, pointing out what Jesus told Lazarus's sister, Martha at John 11: 25 .

I must confess that I was not a Christian when I started working for her. She wasrepparttar 115430 one that preached to me and converted me to Christianity. And that was what she did to numerous other curious passersby and strangers who came to see her. Instead of being encouraged, she wasrepparttar 115431 one that encouraged her sympathizers; and her faith inrepparttar 115432 Bible made many to become Christians. She was always praying to God in behalf of herself and others; and despite her condition, she was full of compassion for people. In fact, her courage inspired all who knew her.

Loyal Companions Promote Longevity

Written by Lady Camelot

Loyal Companions Promote Longevity by Lady Camelot

Have you ever wondered what a dog thinks, or if he dreams? Canine companions, by far, are amazing creatures of habit. If you've ever adopted one, your life has been enriched byrepparttar spirited side of nature.

Deep, within their childlike eyes isrepparttar 115410 innocence of perpetual bliss. These fury friends live to satisfy you and you alone. They soothe us with their undying love and devotion, come to our aid in a moment's notice, anxiously await our return and fill our hearts with years of joy and laughter.

At will, they pleasantly astound us with their cunning mannerisms, comedic maneuvers and gentle demeanor. Always seeking to please, never failing on loyalty.

The nearly Humanistic side of dogs is their keen ability to display real emotion and feeling. When we are saddened, our loving counterparts tenderly nudge us or brush our faces against ours as if they understand. And when we are happy, they mimic our excitement with mirror reactions all their own.

These sweet, extended family members are known to lower stress, tension and even blood pressure. And it's no wonder -- they never refuse our requests, they compliment us with their adoration and they'll follow us torepparttar 115411 ends ofrepparttar 115412 Earth if necessary.

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