Invisible Slavery System - IIWritten by Emmett Dabru
Invisible puzzles are mechanisms hidden inside products and services you use, and social/political systems you interact with. They are invisible due to use of manufactured perception and deniability-tactics. These puzzles are designed to harness everyone's efforts to silently maintain and operate an Invisible Slavery System... Many people have been taught that what is legal is right, and what is not legal is wrong. As if this were an absolute base line for right and wrong. Some will even tie this into their religious convictions, so that it cannot be questioned at all. And some will come up with a "right and wrong" from a specific mix of two. This is all a matter of brainwashing. As soon as you state something is right or wrong, without thinking it through for yourself from an unbiased perspective, then you are demonstrating how your mind is being controlled. Many laws in US had nothing to do with public opinion, and nothing to do with congressman you voted into office. Many US laws are written in silently and quickly, with as little media coverage as possible. These laws are not "right" by anyone's definition except for those who want to control you. This does not mean all other laws are ok. They were voted in by people whose perspectives were manufactured for them through mind control. If you allow a bias of what makes something right or wrong cause you to feel that these laws are right without you yourself figuring out details, then you are doing yourself and rest of world a big disservice. This is center of whole problem. Most of support to ISS comes from ordinary people who think with these preprogrammed (biased) perspectives. Democracy is designed so that these people - through taxes and voting - support “system”. That makes it very easy for a powerful entity to control "system" through perception engineering tactics aimed at normal person. A perception cloak hides deniable lines of function behind actions of these normal people, who are working hard on tasks which actually channel power and wealth to ISS. And that in turn makes it virtually impossible for those who do see what's happening to do anything about it. Unfortunately, this legal system that many people blindly support and equate to justice is in fact a cloaking device, used to hide ISS tentacles through deniability mechanisms. The deniability cloak is based in law. A law based society makes promises it will not keep. Solutions to world's problems are worked on diligently but problems are never solved. This is because ISS uses problems like those to further its agendas. Drugs, fraud, terrorism, global warming, human rights issues, cancer, AIDS, SARS, and other global issues are like chess pieces, played by ISS as it maintains its control and its profits. The object is to deniably manufacture or twist a problem so there is no real solution to it in that form WHILE convincing us of progress of current efforts to solve it AND WHILE convincing us of continued threat this problem poses for humanity SO THAT we will continuously support "cause" without actually finding a solution. The perception cloak manifests false world problems and false solution-paths to real world problems, while deniability cloak hides control mechanisms that move into your life as a result. These control mechanisms enslave you while your mind is focused on perception-engineered purpose for each. A law-based society makes this inevitable because it creates an ideal medium for invisible puzzles to control us. If "very few very powerful" didn't take advantage of it somebody else would have. Therefore it is also inevitable that a "very few very powerful" ruling class exists. I'm saying that with or without proof, a law-based society inevitably generates an ISS that enslaves us. And this consequently makes it impossible to solve world's problems. Therefore real solutions to real world problems must work independently of law. Did these “very few, very powerful people” design ISS? Or perhaps some other mastermind? Is there really someone or some group that has nothing better to do than to work out strategies to manipulate society for their profit? Or is this ISS merely an inadvertent byproduct of normal human civilization during its current very clumsy stages? Which one is it? Is there proof? And is there a solution? After years of thought about this I came to realization that right information technologies would both reveal proof of ISS to world, and put an end to it. The technology I'm thinking of would have same effect on ISS as turning lights on in a dark room - all mysteries in that room, boogie men, burglars, your kid brother, etc, would become visible. With lights you no longer have to guess. And you can see exactly what causes what, and how. I'm thinking of technology that would reveal everything of concern to public, making it visible and comprehensible to average person. It would automatically obsolete and replace ISS, accommodating solutions to real world's problems without use of deception and force. I see these revolutionary information technologies taking human traits normally considered bad (like greed) and satisfying them through new lines of motivation that naturally favor environmental and humanitarian concerns, individual rights, honesty, accountability and quality. The natural (unregulated) capabilities of this futuristic technology will interact with full spectrum of human endeavor, causing all these independent efforts to collectively work towards good of society, individual and environment. Products will be created that last virtually forever, non-polluting energy solutions will be found and implemented, truth about your water and air will be revealed and comprehensive solutions provided, etc. It will accomplish this through a combination of several key technologies that obsolete and replace most social/political systems of today, while facilitating real solutions to real problems.
| | Katie Collman: Another Victim of the War on DrugsWritten by Paul Zimmerman
Katie Collman, a ten year old Crothersville, IN girl was murdered because she allegedly witnessed drug activity ( If not for continuing War on Drugs, Katie Collman would be alive today. While killer of Katie Collman must bear responsibility for his monstrous actions, when will those who continue War on Drugs accept any responsiblity for consequences of their actions? During Prohibition if someone stumbled upon a still or a bootlegger's warehouse, they'd be lucky to escape with their lives. Out of desperation some people drank wood alcohol and went blind or died. Organized crime received a shot in arm from revenues made possible by Prohibition. All deaths and mayhem, crime and corruption during Prohibition were predictable and preventable, and in fact ended with Prohibition. Why is that concept so difficult to understand when drug in question is not alcohol, but some other substance?