Investment Property Part I: How Not to Become a Slumlord

Written by Cameron Brown

Welcome torepparttar first part of a two part series about getting intorepparttar 102814 investment property business.

After ridingrepparttar 102815 ups and downs ofrepparttar 102816 stock market roller coaster for a while, an increasing number of investors are looking into property investment as a more stable alternative. With hot markets in many parts ofrepparttar 102817 United States,repparttar 102818 time may be ripe for you to get into this potentially lucrative trade. I would suggest, however, that you keep reading before you jump onrepparttar 102819 first property you find. You just might find something in this article that will keep you from breakingrepparttar 102820 bank and your back.

The hope of any investor is to build long-term wealth; this is a fairly straightforward principle and probablyrepparttar 102821 reason you're reading this article. There are however, some rules to play by inrepparttar 102822 property investment game if you don't want to end up taking a shotgun with you every time rent needs to be collected. I'm talking about how to avoid becoming a 'slumlord'.

In order to best relaterepparttar 102823 rules of being a successful landlord, let me share a story experienced by some extended family members. It's a great example of what NOT to do if you want to getrepparttar 102824 most out of your investment property. Afterrepparttar 102825 story we'll see what rules and lessons we can learn. Names have been changed to protectrepparttar 102826 identity ofrepparttar 102827 innocent.

Ben bought a beater single-family investment property in a very bad area and he his two sons, Josh and Nathan, all got busy. They put in hardwood floors-don't want to have to replace carpet every time you have turn over, right? And then they thought they'd use really good paint-don't want have to repaint every time, right? And then they decided to splurge on good cabinetry and bathroom fixtures-a happy renter is a good renter, right? And to top it off, they put in nice towels on nice racks that said, "We are Family." Renters would appreciate that, right?


The first family to move in removedrepparttar 102828 bedroom and cupboard doors for firewood, tore outrepparttar 102829 nice bathroom fixtures and sold them atrepparttar 102830 swap meet, and fired small caliber rounds throughrepparttar 102831 new hardwood floors. Ben discovered this when he received a call thatrepparttar 102832 roof was leaking and he should, "Get your *** down here and fix it!" He patiently tried to explain that roofs do that when you pull shingles for kindling. Other wonderful visits ensued, prompted by similar calls.

It only took eight months to get them out ofrepparttar 102833 house; turns out that tenant rights as outlined byrepparttar 102834 county enumerate more rights thanrepparttar 102835 rest of us enjoy collectively. Asrepparttar 102836 family moved out he noticed that mom andrepparttar 102837 two older boys all sported matching shirts stitched with "We are Family." The rest carried various pieces ofrepparttar 102838 house.

Ben, Josh, and Nathan began to rebuildrepparttar 102839 house, finding all sorts of interesting changes to its structure. Nothing really serious other than a supporting beam was chain-sawed out (apparently more firewood), tile pried up in one bathroom-no clear reason why, gang signs scratched into allrepparttar 102840 glass and mirrors that weren't broken and other little surprises.

500 to Unlimited: The New E-Z-MRP Business Model

Written by Rocky Smolin

E-Z-MRP,repparttar leading manufacturing software system for small manufacturers, announced effective April 15th, there will be a new pricing and product structure. According to Rocky Smolin, founder of Beach Access Software, makers of E-Z-MRP, “We see a distinction between those small manufacturers with less than five hundred parts in material resource planning, and those with a need for unlimited part numbers.”

Smolin noted that some manufacturers will start withrepparttar 102813 under 500 parts version of E-Z-MRP, priced at $2995, and grow intorepparttar 102814 new unlimited version, priced at $9800. Beach Access Software creditsrepparttar 102815 $2995 for customers who later choose to upgrade. Other small manufacturers who presently have more than five hundred part will start right away withrepparttar 102816 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

Small manufacturers with more than one hundred parts can no longer managerepparttar 102817 manufacturing process on an Excel spreadsheet. Since more than 84% of all manufacturers have less than fifty employees, there is a remarkable opportunity for cost-effective manufacturing systems like E-Z-MRP. Despiterepparttar 102818 extensive media coverage regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), in most cases these small manufacturers do not require allrepparttar 102819 functionality offered, nor can many affordrepparttar 102820 price point.

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