Intuition Power Made Easy

Written by Steve Gillman

Have you ever used your intuition to solve problems? Can you trust your intuition? Can you improve it?

What Is Intuition?

Intuition is simply a feeling , sense, or hunch based on information not available to your conscious mind. Some say this comes fromrepparttar ether or wherever, but I'm content to believe that our minds have a lot more going on in there than we know.

How can Gary Kasparov win a chess game against a computer that can calculate positions many moves further ahead than he can? By using his intuitive grasp ofrepparttar 139271 game. His experience allows him to combine analysis with a "sense" of which move is best.

Intuition can also warn us. My wife and I felt we shoudn't get on that bus in South America. We knew crowded busses were prime hunting grounds for pickpockets, and we sawrepparttar 139272 drunk man bumping into people. We didn't think about these things consciously, but they registered in our minds, and warned us. We ignored our intuition, and I was robbed.

Of course, you can have a hunch for irrelevant reasons too. If you were hit by a taxi as a child, you might have "intuitive" hunches not to get into taxis forrepparttar 139273 rest of your life. So how do you know when to trust your intuition?

How To Be Creative

Written by Steve Gillman

Have you ever heardrepparttar saying, "The harder I work,repparttar 139270 luckier I get?" Guess what? That'srepparttar 139271 way it is with creative inspiration too.

Don't Wait For Creative Inspiration

Graham Green,repparttar 139272 famous English writer, attributes much of his success to a simple habit: He forced himself to write at least 500 words daily, whether he felt like it or not. Creative inspiration can strike at any time, but it strikes more often when there is work instead of waiting.

Don't Expect Creativity To Come Uninvited

If you want to have creative ideas for inventions, start redesigning everything you see. Imagine a better light bulb, a faster way to serve food, or a better lamp. Do this for three weeks, and it will become a habit. It's also a good way to pass time while driving or waiting for an appointment.

If you want creative ideas for poems, take random words, use one per line, and start writing anything. We created a game (Deal-A-Poem) from this technique, and my wife has had poems published that were created in this way. Your mind will begin to find a poetic use for any word if you use this method often.

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