Intolerant, Insensitive and Downright Annoying

Written by Gary Shirley

Long and painful self-analysis has revealed that I amrepparttar embodiment ofrepparttar 126863 title’s characteristics. Nothing can make me change. Counseling won’t help. Neither will a thorough astrological review. Ditto for yoga or aroma therapy. Not even a session chanting mantras inrepparttar 126864 hot tub. I cannot change, for I am a Christian.

I am intolerant because I refuse to acceptrepparttar 126865 modern definition of tolerance. This new, enlightened definition did not stormrepparttar 126866 landscape in hard boots. It did not thrust itself onrepparttar 126867 American culture as a result of a single, polarizing event. It crept, instead, ever so slowly into our national lexicon. It diffused belowrepparttar 126868 radar of conscience. It succeeded in becomingrepparttar 126869 anchor of our modern morality.

My old college copy ofrepparttar 126870 American Heritage Dictionary states clearly that to tolerate means to “...recognize and respect, asrepparttar 126871 rights, opinions, or practices of others whether agreeing with them or not.” With respect to another’s particular inclinations or behaviors,repparttar 126872 classic definition of tolerance allows me to honor their freedom while still honoring my conscience. I am able to judge actions, not people, from afar and hold those actions up torepparttar 126873 scrutiny of my moral code. Both of our free wills are rightly respected. Makes perfect sense.

The revised definition of tolerance, however, removes my ability to disagree with another’s actions. I am now under pressure to recognize, respect and approve all actions of my fellow man, regardless of where such actions reside onrepparttar 126874 moral continuum. In other words, I must sanction that which is immoral, unlawful, or just plain sinful to avoid severe penalty. What severe penalty? The notorious badge of “intolerant.” It’srepparttar 126875 label that endsrepparttar 126876 discussion, closesrepparttar 126877 issue and hisses loudly that its recipient is a social leper. For absolute censorship, I expect “judgmental” added on as well.

So there I am - accused, indicted and executed without a trial. The true import of this penalty is that it now taints everything else that I have to say inrepparttar 126878 future. Its broad scope ensures that I am properly vilified as one who considers himself above all others, looking down with disdain on a vast ocean of sinners. The sentence passed on me ensures that my moral code is bludgeoned out of existence. It’s been deemed old-fashioned, out-of-touch, or completely unenlightened. I am now persona non grata for my temerity in declaring anyone’s behavior to be wrong.

Funny thing is, in labeling me intolerant my culture fails to realize that I am simply honoringrepparttar 126879 time-honored precepts I have chosen to live by. I am not operating from a set of principles developed on my own. I am not rendering my personal opinion. As a subscriber to a code of life known as Christianity, I have sworn to honor its demands. Going to Mass, fasting and prayer are part of my faith and pose few problems to society. Caring forrepparttar 126880 poor and dispossessed even garner a degree of respect and approval. Identifying right and wrong actions, however, opensrepparttar 126881 door to untold woe. I am instantly silenced and shunned for observing these demands ofrepparttar 126882 same code of faith. Could it be thatrepparttar 126883 modern notion of tolerance, unmasked, is simply hard-core intolerance?

On to my insensitivity. Yes, I am utterly insensitive, a regular Attilarepparttar 126884 Hun. A bona-fide lost cause. Why? Because, like tolerance,repparttar 126885 term sensitive has been modified to fitrepparttar 126886 emerging theology ofrepparttar 126887 now. Due to numerous socio-political contortions, I no longer have any earthly idea what this word means. My faithful dictionary reminds me that to be sensitive means, “...susceptible torepparttar 126888 attitudes, feelings or circumstances of others.” No doubt it is important to pay attention to welfare of others. Compassion and understanding are two hallmarks of human nature. Makes perfect sense.

But wait. Since nobody ever wants to be perceived as devoid of such attributes, what better way to obtain sanction for wrongdoing than to declare someone as lacking in them? Modern sensitivity casts a shadow that spans from those truly heartless allrepparttar 126889 way to those rejectingrepparttar 126890 latest self-indulgence. Its scope allows every deviancy to be protected byrepparttar 126891 gospel of feelings. We are now inrepparttar 126892 position of having to render at least tacit approval of another’s actions or risk alienation. Being labeled insensitive, just like intolerant, results in societal leprosy. Cowering in fear of such a badge of infamy, we sell out our values without a whimper. We are just likerepparttar 126893 villagers who lived adjacent torepparttar 126894 concentration camps. In order to avoid retribution, we supportrepparttar 126895 “atrocities” while pretending we really don’t know what’s going on. We offer our souls torepparttar 126896 God of feelings rather thanrepparttar 126897 God of Abraham.

About basic teachings of Christian faith :: Christians

Written by Christians

We grew up in various denominations or in atheistic surroundings but we have all come to realise, that different paths do not lead to one andrepparttar same destination. There are so many ways out there to choose from, so many people offering answers; Protestants, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Buddhists, Moslems, atheists, ... The question is:

What isrepparttar 126862 right way, what is truth?

The answer you often hear is "Everybody has his own truth", or "No one can really know it". In our opinion, such statements contradictrepparttar 126863 fact that there is a reality. Eitherrepparttar 126864 earth is round or it is flat. It cannot be both. The one reality remains absolute and unchanged regardless ofrepparttar 126865 way you look at it. It isrepparttar 126866 same with religious questions. When it comes down to it, it is not possible for two opposing and contradictory alternatives to exist simultaneously, one for you and one for me. Ifrepparttar 126867 reality is that there is a resurrection after death then there cannot be reincarnation. You cannot have both eternal life after death and annihilation ofrepparttar 126868 soul. If matter was created by God it cannot have existed from eternity. Or let us consider some other questions to which contradictory answers cannot both be right: Is Jesus God, or is he not? Does God predestine people to condemnation, or does he not? Can a man fall away from God, or can he not? Is man sinful by nature, or is he not? Does hell exist, or does it not?

Do not such questions and others like them inspire everybody who wants to get to know God's nature to have a standpoint? Can we remain indifferent to these questions if we are interested in finding out how to live according to God's will?

To find answers to these questions we think that we need neither a new revelation nor a new special method of interpretingrepparttar 126869 Bible. Nor do we think that we arerepparttar 126870 source ofrepparttar 126871 truth - we are far from being arrogant or from being perfect - but we believe that truth is accessible, because Jesus revealed it torepparttar 126872 mankind.

The majority of people holdrepparttar 126873 opinion that there is no absolute truth. In our society,repparttar 126874 view thatrepparttar 126875 truth is relative isrepparttar 126876 predominating ideology. Many people have become accustomed to this stream of thought and think that one's idea of truth is relative and has no validity for others, "What seems good to me is what is right!" However, if everything hasrepparttar 126877 same validity, then inrepparttar 126878 end nothing matters;repparttar 126879 standard according to which good and bad, right and wrong are measured, is completely missing. Everyone can find something to suit his own personal taste and needs. People paint their own picture of heaven, choosingrepparttar 126880 colours from a palette of their own desires and wishes, creating their own religion, which seems to fit well enough forrepparttar 126881 time being... In fact, religion is widely treated as yet another branch ofrepparttar 126882 arts, likerepparttar 126883 world of fashion in which people shape trends and trends, in turn shape people.

However, God's way is different:

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, {then} you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will knowrepparttar 126884 truth, andrepparttar 126885 truth will make you free." (John 8:31-32)

In God's eyes, all people who do not seekrepparttar 126886 truth are captives. He wants to set us free from selfish desires and sexual sins, from vanity and envy, fromrepparttar 126887 feeling of inferiority and pride, from arrogance andrepparttar 126888 urge to winrepparttar 126889 favour of other people. He wants to set us free from misleading teachings, which lead people to concentrate on themselves even more inrepparttar 126890 effort to save themselves. But he also wants to set us free from wrong ideas which people call Christianity, where people devote vast amounts of time and energy in striving for social justice but neglectrepparttar 126891 spiritual fight against sin. He wants to free us from teachings, which provide an assurance of God's forgiveness but forget that discipleship means to follow Jesus. He wants to liberate us from doctrines, which promise God's grace, but renounce obedience as legalistic. For this reason, we seekrepparttar 126892 truth, searching for God's will in both our lives and teaching.

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