Interview Questions: How To Stump The Interviewer

Written by David Richter

Inrepparttar limited time an interviewer has with you, their mission is to know you and assess your worth, especially in relationship torepparttar 136747 other candidates interviewed. Asking you questions isrepparttar 136748 way they accomplish that mission.

Since interviews are two-way streets, your time should be spent assessingrepparttar 136749 position,repparttar 136750 company,repparttar 136751 employees and anything else that could sway you toward, or detract you from,repparttar 136752 job opening at hand. To accomplish this, you’ll want to come torepparttar 136753 interview prepared to ask your own questions. Keep in mind that although an interviewer may like you and want to see you continue through subsequent interview stages, you may decide that, based on their responses torepparttar 136754 questions you have posed,repparttar 136755 job may not be for you.

The following represents a sampling of questions an interviewer may ask. Preparing meaningful responses in advance will impress your interviewer:

• Tell me about yourself? • How are you different from other candidates? • Why should I consider you for this position? • If hired, what will your greatest challenge be? • Tell me how you would perform onrepparttar 136756 job, if offered? • Why should I want to get to know you better? • What qualifications do you possess that pertain to this position? • Tell me about your professional background? • What did you likerepparttar 136757 best about your most recent job? • What did you likerepparttar 136758 least about your most recent job? • Name your biggest strength. • Name your biggest weakness. • What are your goals – short and long-term? • How do you set goals for yourself? • What was your biggest accomplishment in your previous job? • What motivates you to be successful? • What was your biggest disappointment? • Why did you leave your last position? • How would your previous boss describe you? • How would your previous subordinates describe you? • What was a major problem you faced in your last job, and how did you deal with it? • Describe a time you had problems with a supervisor, and how you handled that.

Are You Ready For A New Career?

Written by David Richter

Is your current or most recent job truly what you want to do?

Do you dreadrepparttar prospect of coming into work every day? Do you look back on your work day as you travel home and cannot seem to find a fulfilling moment? If you answered yes, read on.

You could be unhappy with your supervisor; you may not likerepparttar 136746 politics or corporate culture; or you may not likerepparttar 136747 industry you are in. You may also feel that you are underpaid, underutilized, undervalued or unappreciated. You may not have sufficient opportunities for career advancement; or perhaps you are feeling overworked. These are all common experiences among employees.

What are your choices?

If you love what you do, if you get motivated and excited in a particular field of interest, if you can put your arms around a career with enthusiasm and gusto, then you have found your passion and you will experience fulfillment and joy daily.

You will look forward to work each day. On your drive home, you will find yourself looking back on your day and smiling.

Give yourselfrepparttar 136748 opportunity to create something better for yourself. Explore your options fully. There is no need to settle or go through a process of elimination to end up with only one career choice. Why limit yourself?

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