Internet marketing and keyword search - why branding should make a difference but isn't

Written by Angelique van Engelen

Online marketers are busy mapping that magical space whererepparttar overlap between real life andrepparttar 108080 internet is at its most poignant. Where else would they be looking than where real people are actually s p e l l i n g out what they are planning to buy - searches onrepparttar 108081 web?

Every online marketer does it. Buying keywords like crazy. But that is just about how much you hear when you try to focus on this area of internet marketing. It's a wild goose chase and it's unlikely a method will materialize in any recognizable form untilrepparttar 108082 dust has settled. If it ever will.

The keyword business is aboutrepparttar 108083 most competitive business transacted overrepparttar 108084 web, so -as with most ofrepparttar 108085 information on web related business- it's unlikely you will come across any lengthy piece with a comprehensive overview of what's going on where.

It's somewhat ironic that it's live and learn because in theory,repparttar 108086 marketing community should be in its walhalla withrepparttar 108087 arrival ofrepparttar 108088 internet. Hasn't it beenrepparttar 108089 marketing dream for centuries to get torepparttar 108090 stage where a potential customer takes an action? Atrepparttar 108091 end of a marketing ploy, in offline terms it's calledrepparttar 108092 hit,repparttar 108093 transaction,repparttar 108094 sale, closingrepparttar 108095 deal.

The specifics of keyword buying may be intransparent, but slowly more information is being gathered aboutrepparttar 108096 process of online buying. It is striking that this is not exactly a reversal, fromrepparttar 108097 offline process, but slightly. Fromrepparttar 108098 beginning onward,repparttar 108099 marketer can count on a lot more commitment from his potential customer simply because targeting is so much more specific ifrepparttar 108100 process kicks off withrepparttar 108101 customer's action.

Keyword marketing is much more powerful compared torepparttar 108102 offline marketing techniques, simply because it isrepparttar 108103 customer's actions that set offrepparttar 108104 spiral.

To foregorepparttar 108105 keyword search as a marketer means you miss out one vital element inrepparttar 108106 communication cycle your client goes through before purchasing a product. Inefficient marketing was mainlyrepparttar 108107 issue leading torepparttar 108108 demise ofrepparttar 108109 dotcom sector earlier on and, having learnt their lessonrepparttar 108110 hard way, marketers are now finding out more about what customers really want before launching campaigns. Fromrepparttar 108111 customer's own words. Sounds great in theory. In practice,repparttar 108112 landscape is bewildering to sayrepparttar 108113 least.

Havingrepparttar 108114 rights to certain keywords means you are dominatingrepparttar 108115 results that search engines will present to people who type in those words. What is so great about this is that unlike inrepparttar 108116 real world, online marketers have way more insight into what makes people buy. Because they have access to what actions customers take even before they would be onto them had they been inrepparttar 108117 offline world.

Mountains of gold onrepparttar 108118 horizon. Butrepparttar 108119 sector is still showing a lot of vulnerability and online marketing is in dire need of improvement simply becauserepparttar 108120 phenomenon is so new. The big advantage to customers is that people can find what they are looking for faster and more efficiently than on any other medium. But stillrepparttar 108121 gap between what customers are specifically looking onrepparttar 108122 web for and what they are offered is considerable.

Customers are too often puzzled, searching a product onrepparttar 108123 web and finding lists of items with brands totally alien to them. If an online campaign is not backed by offline action, its chance of survival will drop dramatically. Many product campaigns are faltering because adverts are simply being thrown in a surfer's face in irrelevant contexts, they are annoying or ill timed.

Don Quixote's Post Humous Virtual Expedition - Filling The Black Holes In Cyber Space

Written by Angelique van Engelen

Perhapsrepparttar online community today is not so different from Don Quixote chasing after windmills, mistaking them for giants. Excessive web browsing might yield more or less similar symptoms of lunacy as those displayed in Quixote's mad adventures.

Ifrepparttar 108079 web were to appoint godfathers, Michael Saavedra Cervantes, Don Quixote's inventor, would be a very appropriate candidate. Alreadyrepparttar 108080 founding father of European literature, his one and only book's structure is not too dissimilar torepparttar 108081 myriad of modern cyber texts.

For starters, you often don't know where Quixote and his squire Sancho end one adventure or where they begin another. Also, Don Quixote offers an abundance of contradiction, imagination beyond what is ordinary, subplots here there and everywhere. And this is not whererepparttar 108082 comparison ends. There's even interaction betweenrepparttar 108083 author andrepparttar 108084 characters without it seeming to be a violation ofrepparttar 108085 characters or ofrepparttar 108086 story itself.

It's a bit ironic that despite high technology andrepparttar 108087 500 years or so that have gone by sincerepparttar 108088 book was published haven't made us invent a clearer concept of interactivity. Today, people interacting with their search engines are having a hard time actually finding efficiently what they are looking for. Atrepparttar 108089 same time, companies run huge financial risk if their websites fail to secure high rankings in search engines. Where'srepparttar 108090 interactivity that actually connects efficiently allrepparttar 108091 time?

To stand out fromrepparttar 108092 crowd in cyber space, you need a well-thought out concept. But where to begin? Researchingrepparttar 108093 status quo of internet marketing is a good starting point becauserepparttar 108094 marketing guys are there to bridgerepparttar 108095 gap between companies and customers.

The main theme of marketing studies atrepparttar 108096 moment is customer research. A lot more money gets spent on consumer behavior than beforerepparttar 108097 deflation ofrepparttar 108098 dotcom sector. The trend is driven by companies turning to quantitative analysts to find hard and decisive numbers about their actual consumer markets.

Here goes,repparttar 108099 more you can fragment a market,repparttar 108100 better one's chances (of controling it). Nothing new. What is new isrepparttar 108101 way marketers are devouringrepparttar 108102 data, dissecting it like biologists would owl droppings. Hopefully, interpretations ofrepparttar 108103 findings are not exactly stomach turning but contributing to better interactive patterns.

So this is where we are - atrepparttar 108104 beginning of an understanding-based approach of customers. The trend has been termed 'new marketing' or 'behavioral marketing'. Wonder how companies are dealing with this? If you may believerepparttar 108105 experts, companies are aiming to gradually reach higher click/sales conversion rates from their marketing campaigns, rather than going for quick sales. Apparently,repparttar 108106 focus is more long term and on an increased understanding of what brings buyers to their decision.

Marketers say it's back torepparttar 108107 drawing board throughoutrepparttar 108108 bank. The very beginnings ofrepparttar 108109 buying funnel are now researched in greater depth. This is good to keep in mind when you are getting to grips with cyber culture. Search behavior isrepparttar 108110 focus of a lot of market research, if only because so much information that comes out of this has yet to be capitalised on.

But marketers have a hard nut to crack here. Our search behavior is very difficult to describe in words, let alone pour data on it in models and derive a sensible meaning from it. "Searching has become such an intuitive function, we tend not to giverepparttar 108111 actual search process much thought", writes Gord Hotchkiss from Enquiro, a US firm that specialises in people's search behaviour.

The company's research intorepparttar 108112 way people browse for stuff is so simple you would think most ofrepparttar 108113 findings would have been included in assumptions some five years ago. Yet many marketers were reported to be astonished atrepparttar 108114 findings. It appeared that it is very unlikely that two people perform identical searches even if they are looking forrepparttar 108115 same thing. Other firms confirm Enquiro's experiment. iProspect conducted a survey that pointed out that search engine click through behavior can only be categorised by a few, very vague, denominators; gender, education, employment status. The study also underlines that frequency of internet use and internet experience are factors here.

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