Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics

Written by Vyacheslav Melnik

User Base

The non-US and non-English Web segments have been boosted by a growing trend towards PC penetration and cheaper Internet access inrepparttar last couple of years. The US share ofrepparttar 120900 global population online, once above ninety percent, is now under a quarter, whilerepparttar 120901 number of Internet users who do not speak English at all continues to grow.

The Asia-Pacific region remains a key contributor torepparttar 120902 increase inrepparttar 120903 number of non-English speakers onrepparttar 120904 Web, butrepparttar 120905 Russian Internet, aka Runet, demonstratesrepparttar 120906 accelerated pace of development as well.

The Russian language onrepparttar 120907 Web was represented by 2.7 percent in March 2003, said Global Reach, a consultancy that tracks non-English online populations. The share is quite minor, compared to English with its 35.2 percent. However,repparttar 120908 growth rate of Runet is far more exciting;repparttar 120909 Russian Internet audience has tripled overrepparttar 120910 last two years, registering a 40 percent increase annually. The February 2003 Report by SpyLOG indicates thatrepparttar 120911 total users who surfrepparttar 120912 Russian portion ofrepparttar 120913 Internet have reached about 15 million, 60 percent of whom live in Russia and seven percent in Ukraine. Moscow and St.-Petersburg account for 53 percent ofrepparttar 120914 total Internet users in Russia. Similarly,repparttar 120915 Ukrainian Internet surveys reveal thatrepparttar 120916 vast majority (70 percent) of Ukrainian users live in Kiev, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and Donetsk, according to and as quoted in Kyiv Post Business March 20, 2003.

The Ukrainian user base grows as fast as its Russian counterpart. The total Internet users in Ukraine reached 2.5 million by year-end 2002, a 150 percent increase in a year, saidrepparttar 120917 head ofrepparttar 120918 Ukrainian State Committee for Communications and Information Technologies. Independent marketers confirmrepparttar 120919 recent trends onrepparttar 120920 Ukrainian Internet, or Uanet for short. For example, quoted GfK-USM, a marketing company, as stating thatrepparttar 120921 regular Internet users in Ukraine accounted for 6.4 percent ofrepparttar 120922 total population (3.1 million of 48.4 million) in February 2003, andrepparttar 120923 number ofrepparttar 120924 users who purchased products or services throughrepparttar 120925 Internet was doubled when compared to February 2002.

Internet Access and Prices

Dial-up connection isrepparttar 120926 most common way of accessingrepparttar 120927 Internet in both Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian dial-up users, for example, pay $0.1 to $2.0 an hour for Internet access, depending on an ISP, time of day and availability of callback services. The monthly charge for unmetered access in Kiev currently ranges from about $4 (midnight to 9.00 a.m. with no callback support) to about $40 (24-hour access via callback service). The callback service in Kiev will save you about $0.4/hour, an additional fee charged by Ukrtelecom for connection torepparttar 120928 local telephone line.

The broadband access is rather expensive, ranging from $40/month (IDSN, 64 K/s, 1 GB monthly data transfer) to $300/month (dedicated line, 64-128 K/s, unlimited transfer) with a set-up fee of $200 to 300, plus some hidden charges that are quite common forrepparttar 120929 local providers. Thus, only corporate clients can enjoyrepparttar 120930 privilege of broadband subscription.

RP Promotion Strategy

Written by Jenuary 2003


------------------------------------------------------------ copyright (c) Pavel Lenshin ------------------------------------------------------------

You must be asking what does RP mean? I won't tear your curiosity apart untilrepparttar end ofrepparttar 120899 publication as hypnotic marketing teaches. It is Recurring Passive promotion and let me ask you, do you want to get outstanding promotion results, while sipping favorite Cocktail onrepparttar 120900 couch? You betcha!

Now let me put a little cloud of disappointment inrepparttar 120901 blue sky of your promotional pleasure. We will have to spend some time on creating our "salesteam" first to make it work for us afterwards, so you will be able to do whatever you want knowing that your business/product is consistently being promoted for you.

I don't speak about hiring marketing or advertising department to promote your online business, it would be expensive enough. Better leave that practice to those Dot.coms that report each year about Internet collapse.

What we will do is cheap, yet ten times more effective. It is a market dream come true, although for it is time consuming efforts atrepparttar 120902 beginning, 80% of small home based operators didn't, don't and won't do it. That is another reason, whyrepparttar 120903 effect of that "salesteam" will be tremendous in comparison with other "easy to achieve" marketing methods, like 5 bucks classified ezine ad.

The more self-discipline in "salesteam creating" process you put,repparttar 120904 faster your desired result will be achieved. That rule is so obvious, yet not carried out by a lot of people, including me. One fellow marketer will have perfect "salesman" in a week, while for another one it will become a never-ending tale.

Now I'm literally feelingrepparttar 120905 second bursting question you want to ask me. What isrepparttar 120906 "salesteam"? Do you really want to knowrepparttar 120907 most guarded secret of all marketing gurus? The hidden truth of their million dollar profits? Ok, that is Viral Marketing! I know you've heard that 100 and 1 time, but don't blame me,repparttar 120908 most guarded marketing secret of all times and nations is that there is No Marketing Secret :0)

Before going any further let me point to two main features that determine PR Promotion strategy, very close, but a little bit broader thanrepparttar 120909 "classic" viral marketing meaning. They are characterized by:

* one-time action to create and set up; * non-stop ongoing promotion results.

If, for instance, you paid money for ezine solo ad and get 3 sales, in order to produce 30 sales you will have to order that solo ad for 10 times (in practice much more, because of marketing "depletion" effect). This is everything, but astute promotion, which is based on one-time deed with never ending results.

Inrepparttar 120910 above case, you should order solo ad to promote your free valuable, say, traffic report or sales letter with a compulsory URL to your web-site, positioning you as a traffic or sales letter expert. Your info product will thus rapidly spread overrepparttar 120911 net, generating you much more than 3 sales. It is hard to imagine what will happen if you offer 30-50% commission for publishers to give your product away for free.

You have also probably heard hundred times about recurring passive income. The example above describes Recurring Passive Promotion that means that your company, product/service is going to be automatically promoted by a "salesteam", consisting of:

1. Info products: eBooks, Reports, Brochures, Email courses, Audio, Video files, Web-site template and so forth. 2. Auto or semiauto software applications and programs. 3. Partners, clients or subscribers.

In fact, RP Promotion is a foundation of RP Income that isrepparttar 120912 main desired target to any online marketer to achieve financial freedom. Below we will look a little bit closely on each promotional instrument. Note that they are perfect instruments or tools if you wish, but it isrepparttar 120913 craftsman who creates art, notrepparttar 120914 tools themselves.

Info products

Do you follow number #1 rule of all marketing gurus that is "Money is inrepparttar 120915 list"? If you do, you can use your list, i.e. ezine, newsletter to easily compile an info product fromrepparttar 120916 materials, mainly articles or tips that previously were written for your issues. That means that not only do you constantly profit fromrepparttar 120917 list, but expanding your profits by promoting your list. In practice it will look like subscribe sign up box on one ofrepparttar 120918 welcome pages of your free ebook, report etc.

As I have already shown inrepparttar 120919 example above, it may be any kind of beneficial for target market template with permission to use it for free, remaining your small URL atrepparttar 120920 end intact. It may be audio file coming withrepparttar 120921 electronic brochure. There are really unlimited variants of creating powerful and valuable, yet totally free RP "promoters" or "salesmen".

Stage two is to make your "salesteam" of info products work. That task may only be accomplished underrepparttar 120922 total absence of such artificial barrier as seller's money thirst. Don't be tempted by quick earning potential. Your main task is to launch a word of mouth tornado that will bring much more long-term profits. So start giving away your report, ebook, everything you can to interested web-site visitors or subscribers. Avoid including numerous banners or affiliate links also, nothing can irritate more than such stuff, especiallyrepparttar 120923 feeling of understanding thatrepparttar 120924 only reason I got that, say, report was to make me buy something. It is hard to give away for free what you've spent several weeks to create, but it will repay ten times. Remember RP Promotion is a fundamental long-term development strategy, there is no place for "quick bucks".

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