Internet News Services Explode Online

Written by Jim Edwards

It seems no matter how much information comes available online, people thirst for more.

To illustrate this point, just take a look at allrepparttar online news services sprouting up onrepparttar 118705 web like garden weeds.

Withrepparttar 118706 click of a mouse you can instantly search thousands of news sources for specific and timely information on virtually any topic you choose.

Heck, if you're a real news junky, you can even get up-to- the-minute news emailed straight to your desktop!

Now, I'mrepparttar 118707 first one to say that nothing beats a good old-fashioned newspaper you hold in your hands.

Few things rate as relaxing as a cup of coffee, a quiet morning, and today's newspaper ready for my inspection. In fact, my day doesn't officially start until I walk torepparttar 118708 end of my driveway to retrieverepparttar 118709 paper (occasionally from under a bush).

But as much as I loverepparttar 118710 paper, it rarely contains stories on highly-specialized subjects such asrepparttar 118711 latest email marketing laws, html parsing, and search engine promotion.

Of course, it doesn't make sense for virtually any local newspaper to carry news about email marketing laws (other than how they affect consumers) becauserepparttar 118712 market demand simply doesn't exist on that level.

However, aroundrepparttar 118713 world, thousands of people just like me want to knowrepparttar 118714 instant a news story breaks onrepparttar 118715 latest "Can Spam" legislation, and that's where online news services come into play.

Log on to, and to search thousands of different news sources from aroundrepparttar 118716 world.

More Cool Web Tricks

Written by Jim Edwards

If you ask most people what frustrates them most aboutrepparttar Internet, many of them will tell you "It'srepparttar 118704 little things!"

It seems like allrepparttar 118705 great tricks and tips that make people exclaim "STOP! How did you do that?" never make it into any manual (at least where I can find them).

My father (and co-author of "Turn Words Into Traffic") calls itrepparttar 118706 "reverse oral tradition" of computing, where children teach parentsrepparttar 118707 survival skills of PC life.

Well, if you want to look good to your kids or buddies aroundrepparttar 118708 water cooler, check outrepparttar 118709 following cool web tricks.

~^~ Cool Google Tricks ~^~

Virtually everyone knows that ranks atrepparttar 118710 top of most people's search engine lists, but it does a lot more than just tell you where to find vitamins or information on George Washington's wooden teeth!

Need a map to a specific location?

Type inrepparttar 118711 address, city and state of virtually any location inrepparttar 118712 US, hitrepparttar 118713 search button, and Google serves up several different map providers acrossrepparttar 118714 Web.

Want to know what software application a certain file goes with on your computer?

Inputrepparttar 118715 file name into Google's search box and a number of reference sites will help you know exactly what purpose a file serves.

I actually used this to feature to identify a piece of "spyware" lurking on my computer.

Want to know who's calling you onrepparttar 118716 phone inrepparttar 118717 US?

You can just inputrepparttar 118718 phone number on your caller ID or cell phone display intorepparttar 118719 Google search box and get information on listed numbers before your answering machine can even pick up!

Log on to for more cool search features that harnessrepparttar 118720 search power of Google.

~^~ Text Zoom ~^~

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