Internet Marketing Reality Check

Written by Jeff Palmer

Internet Marketing Reality Check Author - Jeff Palmer October 2004

There are thousands of web sites, books, CD-ROM's, cassette tapes and various other forms of communication devoted torepparttar topic of Internet marketing. The majority of these sites profess to offer "secret strategies" and "killer tactics" which promise to increase your chances of having success onrepparttar 108730 Internet. Of course you must fork over your hard earned cash for these wonderful pearls of wisdom. (Many of which turn out to be nothing more than pyramid schemes and other scams)

With all of these so called experts lining up to take your money and fill your head with dreams of making easy millions you may find it difficult to filter outrepparttar 108731 facts fromrepparttar 108732 fiction. I will takerepparttar 108733 unenviable role of fact giving, bubble burster and tell you flat out, "There are no secrets to successful Internet marketing!"

Let me repeat myself, I said, "There are no secrets to successfully Internet marketing"

Successful marketing, whether its online or off, requires careful planning and a lot of hard work. And no amount of marketing will ever meet with success ifrepparttar 108734 product being marketed is a bad one. This is especially true of web sites, which carryrepparttar 108735 remarkable distinction ofrepparttar 108736 almighty back button. I know this from first hand experience with companies that have spent ridiculous amounts of money to market web sites which were basically unusable.

Now that your dreams of sailing aroundrepparttar 108737 ocean sipping margaritas, while an Internet cash machine deposits six figure sums into your bank are thoroughly dashed, lets explore some ofrepparttar 108738 common issues associated with true Internet marketing success as well as a few ofrepparttar 108739 many misconceptions.

The same principles that govern off-line marketing practices apply to online marketing. Research, Planning, and Analysis.


Determine what makes your product or service stand out fromrepparttar 108740 crowd. What do you offer thatrepparttar 108741 competition doesn't? How do your prices compare to others inrepparttar 108742 market? What features of your product are one of a kind? All of this information will help in designing your web site to reflect a unique selling proposal. A unique selling proposal answersrepparttar 108743 customer's question, "What's in it for me?" Gather allrepparttar 108744 information possible that answers this question and use it in planning your web site.

Planning: Develop a marketing strategy for your web site.

Are you selling merchandise online? Are you advertising a service? Who are your customers? You must determine exactly what it is that you want your website to accomplish. Example: If your web site is focused on making it easier for potential customers to learn about your services, focus your attention on offering as much information about your services as possible. Price comparisons of your competition, directions to your business location, contact information, testimonials, etc.,are a good place to start. Plan your web site around a central goal.

Analysis: So your web site is up and running, you have developed a marketing strategy and people are interested in your product. Now its time to figure our what is working and what isn't. This aspect of marketing your web site can be one ofrepparttar 108745 most difficult to understand. This goes well beyond simply countingrepparttar 108746 number of visitors to your site. It requires analyzingrepparttar 108747 habits of those who travel to your site. Determining what features of your site compel visitors to purchase your products, what features turn visitors away. It is important to analyze every single feature of your web site, fromrepparttar 108748 sales copy torepparttar 108749 navigation. You must understand how every feature of your web site supports or detracts from your marketing success.

How not to catch a computer virus and how to cure it if you do.

Written by John Watson

An interview with Danny Burke of PC Magic by John Watson

The casual computer user can afford to play with fire and risk catching a virus butrepparttar business user cannot afford to damage his or her business by being careless in this area.

I asked Danny, who sorts out computer problems on a daily basis, what advice he would give to people who are stressed out when their computer is put out of action by a virus or by some similar problem.

He was in a relaxed mood and replied jokingly at first and then got down to business: “I have a method that will guarantee you never catch a virus or have any problems with your computer.”

I played along with this. “What is this amazing method?”

“ Don’t turn it on! “ Danny smiled triumphantly.

He continued: “Computers are inherently insecure and whatever you do, you will, sooner or later, run into problems."

Danny always tells it like it is: "However, there are a number of things you can do on a daily or weekly basis that will considerably reduce your chances of running into trouble. Cut both your hands off or don’t pay your electricity bills."

Having had his fun, Danny came up withrepparttar 108729 goods.

"Follow a two pronged approach to security. There is prevention and there is cure. Prevention involves avoiding a number of risky actions: Avoid sites like gambling and porn sites that might automatically download adware and other malicious code.

Avoid installing internet utilities like speed boosters, wallpaper changes and other utilities that put programs inrepparttar 108730 start bar or any other utilities such as toolbars that change internet explorer.

Avoid file swapping networks. If you want to download music, whilst we don’t condone it, you can use these networks for music files (like mp3) but DO NOT share program files (.exe etc) since you will get infected with a virus that way.

Many file share programs also include advertising mechanisms that will interfere with your system and secretly download all sorts of rubbish. Avoid porn sites that you have never heard of. Stick to household names.”

Danny and I had a good laugh atrepparttar 108731 idea of household names inrepparttar 108732 porn industry. Neither of us, incidentally, download porn.

"There are also a number of actions a safe computer user should take:

Install a reputable firewall like Zone Alarm. Many companies do a free version for non commercial use so it doesn’t have to cost a lot.

Install anti-virus software. Again there are free ones ( Be careful with some ofrepparttar 108733 newer internet security suites as they are large and require top notch hardware to run them properly. If you don’t have modern hardware (younger than 12 months) don’t install these new suites. They will reduce your machine to a crawl.

Delete email from unknown sources and if you use Outlook Express etc. turn onrepparttar 108734 security features that filter out attachments. Better still use a more secure internet/mail client like Mozilla or Opera.

If you run XP make sure it is gettingrepparttar 108735 regular updates from Microsoft. This facility can be turned on in Control Panel. XP has a built in firewall so make sure this is turned on. Microsoft releasedrepparttar 108736 patch forrepparttar 108737 Sasser worm a week before it hit but a large proportion of people did not applyrepparttar 108738 patch.

How do you update from Microsoft? Go to Control Panel; click on System and select Auto Update tab. Selectrepparttar 108739 option that automatically updates your machine.

Prevention is MUCH better than cure but most people forget about prevention and so have to curerepparttar 108740 problems when they arrive later on”. Curingrepparttar 108741 problems Danny has to specialize inrepparttar 108742 cure rather thanrepparttar 108743 prevention since few people will call out and pay a computer expert to teach them prevention! “How do you know you are in trouble? This might sound obvious but sometimes a machine can be infected with viruses and malicious code for weeks without you realizing it.

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