Internet Guru

Written by BB Lee

Internet Guru by BB Lee (C)2002

Internet Guru's want you to believe they haverepparttar secret formula for Online Home Business Success. Use my success strategies and you will make millions! Would I Lie To You?

Oh but first, plunk down $199.99 for my 500 page secret success formula report and you are on your way to Internet Success.

After you've paid your hefty fee for their "Professional" advice, you leave with emptier pockets and a sinking feeling they saw you coming. Andrepparttar 106545 thought, "There's one born every minute," echoes in your mind. So, you square your shoulders and tread forward to takerepparttar 106546 advice of another "Honest To Goodness Internet Guru." And another, and getrepparttar 106547 picture!

Soon, you realize they all have a different formula and a different answer to Online Business Success. And you also learn that none ofrepparttar 106548 Guru's haverepparttar 106549 secret formula to Business Success. In other words, what works for them, worked for them. It will not necessarily work for your business. Most people realize this after a few months and certainly after a year or two Online. No individual hasrepparttar 106550 top secret success formula. Would I Lie To You?

Of course, listen to allrepparttar 106551 free advice and not so free advice you can get your hands on. Save this advice in your memory files for a rainy day. All this business advice running rampant onrepparttar 106552 Internet will help you to define what works and what does not work for you.

Book Summary: The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

Written by Regine P. Azurin

This article is based onrepparttar following book: The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork "Embrace Them and Empower Your Team" John C. Maxwell, author of ‘The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’ Published in Nashville, Tennessee by Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2001 265 pages

To achieve great things, you need a team. Building a winning team requires understanding of these principles. Whatever your goal or project, you need to add value and invest in your team sorepparttar 106544 end product benefits from more ideas, energy, resources, and perspectives.

1. The Law of Significance People try to achieve great things by themselves mainly because of repparttar 106545 size of their ego, their level of insecurity, or simple naiveté and temperament. One is too small a number to achieve greatness.

2.The Law ofrepparttar 106546 Big Picture The goal is more important thanrepparttar 106547 role. Members must be willing to subordinate their roles and personal agendas to supportrepparttar 106548 team vision. By seeingrepparttar 106549 big picture, effectively communicatingrepparttar 106550 vision torepparttar 106551 team, providingrepparttar 106552 needed resources, and hiringrepparttar 106553 right players, leaders can create a more unified team.

3. The Law ofrepparttar 106554 Niche All players have a place where they addrepparttar 106555 most value. Essentially, whenrepparttar 106556 right team member is inrepparttar 106557 right place, everyone benefits. To be able to put people in their proper places and fully utilize their talents and maximize potential, you need to know your players andrepparttar 106558 team situation. Evaluate each person’s skills, discipline, strengths, emotions, and potential.

4. The Law of Mount Everest Asrepparttar 106559 challenge escalates,repparttar 106560 need for teamwork elevates. Focus onrepparttar 106561 team andrepparttar 106562 dream should take care of itself. The type of challenge determinesrepparttar 106563 type of team you require: A new challenge requires a creative team. An ever-changing challenge requires a fast, flexible team. An Everest-sized challenge requires an experienced team. See who needs direction, support, coaching, or more responsibility. Add members, change leaders to suitrepparttar 106564 challenge ofrepparttar 106565 moment, and remove ineffective members.

5. The Law ofrepparttar 106566 Chain The strength ofrepparttar 106567 team is impacted by its weakest link. When a weak link remains onrepparttar 106568 teamrepparttar 106569 stronger members identifyrepparttar 106570 weak one, end up having to help him, come to resent him, become less effective, and ultimately question their leader’s ability.

6. The Law ofrepparttar 106571 Catalyst Winning teams have players who make things happen. These arerepparttar 106572 catalysts, orrepparttar 106573 get-it-done-and-then-some people who are naturally intuitive, communicative, passionate, talented, creative people who takerepparttar 106574 initiative, are responsible, generous, and influential.

7. The Law ofrepparttar 106575 Compass A team that embraces a vision becomes focused, energized, and confident. It knows where it’s headed and why it’s going there. A team should examine its Moral, Intuitive, Historical, Directional, Strategic, and Visionary Compasses. Doesrepparttar 106576 business practice with integrity? Do members stay? Doesrepparttar 106577 team make positive use of anything contributed by previous teams inrepparttar 106578 organization? Doesrepparttar 106579 strategy serverepparttar 106580 vision? Is there a long-range vision to keeprepparttar 106581 team from being frustrated by short-range failures?

8. The Law of The Bad Apple Rotten attitudes ruin a team. The first place to start is with your self. Do you thinkrepparttar 106582 team wouldn’t be able to get along without you? Do you secretly believe that recent team successes are attributable to your personal efforts, notrepparttar 106583 work ofrepparttar 106584 whole team? Do you keep score when it comes torepparttar 106585 praise and perks handed out to other team members? Do you have a hard time admitting you made a mistake? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to keep your attitude in check.

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