Internet Buzzwords and Newbies: Proceed with Caution!

Written by Francisco Aloy

Learningrepparttar ropes of Internet Marketing is one ofrepparttar 120008 hardest things to do; even more so if you are a Newbie to computers andrepparttar 120009 Web.

I remember watchingrepparttar 120010 movie "The Flim Flam Man" and heardrepparttar 120011 quote "You Can't Con an Honest Man."

The above quote, taken inrepparttar 120012 context ofrepparttar 120013 movie, did make perfect sense. The movie dialog implied thatrepparttar 120014 selfish desire to gain an unethical edge wasrepparttar 120015 hookrepparttar 120016 experienced con man used to snare his victims or "pigeons." Inrepparttar 120017 end,repparttar 120018 victims fell forrepparttar 120019 con because they had a disregard forrepparttar 120020 Golden Rule!

I'm bringing this up becauserepparttar 120021 thinking implied byrepparttar 120022 quote doesn't fit many ofrepparttar 120023 offersrepparttar 120024 Internet Newbie will encounter while searching for a business guide.

You can be a good, honest and hard working person and still fall for many ofrepparttar 120025 traps awaiting you in cyberspace! The most appealing target forrepparttar 120026 experienced Web con man, isrepparttar 120027 Newbie's lack of experience and knowledge!

All overrepparttar 120028 Net there are offers constantly bombarding Newbies withrepparttar 120029 latest systems and applications; "new" methods that will grow a business with a minimum effort!

Some of them are given fancy names: "the K-15 System Will Make You Wealthy!" or, "You Have a Ground Floor Opportunity with G-ZAP, get in now because it won't be available tomorrow...."

How To Write Classified Ads That Make Money

Written by Dean Phillips

If written correctly, classified ads can be a very effective way to make money and build your business. That'srepparttar key, they have to be written correctly. A poorly written classified ad will do nothing more than waste your hard-earned money!

In this article, I'm going show yourepparttar 120007 proper way to write a classified ad--the kind that Will make money!

Here'srepparttar 120008 secret: You MUST write every single classified ad usingrepparttar 120009 following classic AIDA formula:


Let's break down each letter:

A=ATTENTION: The very first thing your classified ad must do is getrepparttar 120010 attention ofrepparttar 120011 reader. The best way to do that is with an effective headline.

Because your classified ad will probably be competing with a sea of other classified ads, nothing is more important than your headline.

An effective headline will attractrepparttar 120012 reader's attention, and also targetrepparttar 120013 audience for which it was intended.

The best way to write good headlines is to ALWAYS answer that one question your reader wants to know: "What's in it for me?" Answer that question as clear and concise as possible and you will consistently write good headlines.

Here are some examples of good headlines: Collect Coins For Fun And Profit! Make $50,000 Yearly Selling Books! How To Make Your Website More Profitable! How To Write Classified Ads That Make Money!

Notice how inrepparttar 120014 above examples, you don't have to guess whatrepparttar 120015 ad is all about. The headline pretty much tells you. Don't try to be cute. Just spell it out in your headline.

Next, we come torepparttar 120016 second letter inrepparttar 120017 AIDA formula: I="INTEREST". After you get your reader's attention, you want to get him "INTERESTED" in your product or service. You do that by telling him what your headline promises. Let me illustrate what I'm talking about, by using one ofrepparttar 120018 above headlines as an example:

Make $50,000 Yearly Selling Books! No experience Necessary.

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