
Written by Janet Ilacqua

Webster's Third International Dictionary definesrepparttar word as: An uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other values; utter sincerity, honesty, and candor; avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality, or shallowness of any kind. The quality or state of being complete and undivided: material, spiritual or aesthetic wholeness; organic unity

Integrity is especially important for business, not just as an abstract ethical principle, but as a practical concern. In this age of Internet fraud and Enrons, all businesses are under intense scrutiny. One well-publicized incident of dishonesty will drive customers intorepparttar 122986 arms of competitors and, in some cases, destroy your business.

Here are a few principles that can help you maintain integrity in both your business and life. Integrity begins at home: “You cannot expect your spouse to be supportive if you lie and cheat. What you do in your personal life will eventually have ramifications in your personal and vice versa. Your spouse and children have numerous opportunities in which to observe your behavior. It is not enough to say that you are honest or merely attend religious services each week. You have to be a role model for your spouse, your children, and all others. If you are, your spouse will probably support you through good times and bad, during thin years and plump years. (Thomas J. Stanley, PhD., The Millionaire Mind; Bantam Books, London, 2001, pg. 70-71)

Find the Artist Within

Written by Eileen Bergen

Findrepparttar Artist Within by Eileen Bergen The Artful Crafter

Can anyone be an artist?

People admiring my work often say, “I could never do that!” I say, “Yes, you can!”

Eight years ago, during a very difficult time in my career in finance (Downsizings, layoffs – let’s not talk about it, OK?), my company sent me to a development workshop for female executives. I came out of a particularly thought-provoking discussion group and pennedrepparttar 122985 following very prophetic free verse.

Threads They Said Mimi said, “Why don't you paint again?”

I said, “There's no time. I crunch numbers now.”

Carole said, “You can do it!”

I said, “No. I don’t think so.”

Cheryl said, “You have an artist within. Reach down. Bring it out.”

I said, “My numbers … they payrepparttar 122986 bills.

Though, God knows, they don’t feedrepparttar 122987 soul anymore!”

Martha said, “There’s a strength within you.”

I asked, “They why do I feel so weak, so beaten?”

Bob said, “Reach forrepparttar 122988 sky. Be your mother’s daughter.

Write poetry. Perhapsrepparttar 122989 answer lies within."

I reached. I created. I wrote. I discovered. The threads came together. I design tee-shirts now. On a glorious sunny beach. I write my musings in between. And share them with other artists --- like me.

I didn’t really dwell on these thoughts atrepparttar 122990 time since I ended up taking early retirement and had no intention of going back to work.

“Threads They Said” got filed away with my other work files. I only unearthed it recently and was stunned to realize how it all has come true.

Except we don’t live on a glorious sunny beach, we live on a mountainside overlooking a beautiful lake – close enough for me! And now you are some ofrepparttar 122991 other artists I share my musings with!

I believe anyone with a creative eye can be an artist. If you know what you like when you see it, you can be an artist. If you know what someone else will like, you can be a commercial artist. You only need to find your medium or craft.

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