Instant Beautiful Skin Regime

Written by John Russell

Instant Beautiful Skin Regime: Most of us have days when we look inrepparttar mirror and simply despair of our appearance. This isrepparttar 130786 plan for those moments. It will instantly reenergize your skin, making it look healthier and you feel better. We know that avoidingrepparttar 130787 four major toxins (smoking, alcohol, stress, and sunlight) will support beautiful skin inrepparttar 130788 long run.

Carry-outrepparttar 130789 following programme once to improverepparttar 130790 look of your skin instantly, then userepparttar 130791 elements marked with an * to support beautiful skin for good.

1. YOGA* It sounds strange but actually starting by grimacing your facial muscles in repetitive motions actually tones your facial muscles by increasing circulation. Holdrepparttar 130792 grimace for longer and longer periods, inhale and exhale concurrently, slowly relax and allowrepparttar 130793 tension and stress to exit your body – 3-5 minutes totally is adequate timing.

2. CLEANSING* Studies have shown and Dermatologists concur, effective skin cleansing isrepparttar 130794 foundation of beautiful skin. Find an all-natural product specifically suited to your skin type and use consistently. Massage gently with your fingertips and rinse only with cool water. IH Distribution LLC sells cleansing products specifically designed for individual skin types. You can have a free consultation onrepparttar 130795 products that fit your needs and order via E-mail at

3. EXFOLIATE The use of a masque specifically developed for your skin type from all-natural products including herbs and amino acids will thoroughly cleanrepparttar 130796 pores, significantly increase circulation, and providerepparttar 130797 deep cleansing that is required to penetrate deep enough for maximum cleansing. There are three specific products distributed by IH Distribution LLC for distinct skin types:

A. Mild Masque is recommended for normal-to-dry, mature, and sensitive skin. It should be used twice weekly. Its heart is apricot oil blended with fine white kaolin clay. It invigorates worn-looking skin.

B. Extra Strength Masque is recommended for normal-to-oil and acne prone skin twice per week. Cleanses and refines stubborn pores from a scientific blend of kaolin clay, cornmeal, jojoba, and ginseng. Improves color, clarify, and firmness.

C. Thermal Fusion Enzyme Masque is recommended for all types except sensitive. Should be used inrepparttar 130798 PM after cleansing and before toner. This is a revolutionary skin care technology that brings together heat and water andrepparttar 130799 secret Papain, an enzyme that removes dead skin cells by actually dissolving protein.

4. STEAM THE SKIN Steaming helps release toxins and impurities that may be underrepparttar 130800 skins surface, blocking circulation. Fill a bowl of boiling water, then gently place your face about 4”-5” fromrepparttar 130801 surface and hold for 2-3 minutes. This is NOT recommended if you have Asthma as it can irritaterepparttar 130802 respiratory tract.

5. SPLASHING* Using cold water, quickly splashrepparttar 130803 skin 20-30 times with water, pat it dry, and do NOT rub. On a night when you haven’t steamedrepparttar 130804 skin, this can be done with ice water to rapidly increaserepparttar 130805 flow of blood torepparttar 130806 area. Cold water temperatures should be avoided on steam nights due to drastic temperature change andrepparttar 130807 possibility of stressing or breaking small facial veins. After splashing is a perfect time to use a toner andrepparttar 130808 best available is NutriMinC RE9 Resorting Mist Balancing Toner, available from IH Distribution LLC. This will setrepparttar 130809 correct pH, remove final traces of masque, and restores balance for maximum moisture retention. It will visually tone, firm, and smooth your skins surface while protecting against oxidative stress and environmental aging factors.

Professional Skin Care Look

Written by John Russell

Professional Skin Care Look

When you walk in a room, have people notice your Beauty not your make-up!

The place to start for skin care that looks professional is clear healthy skin, it’s a must. Whereas many women simply wash their face, cleansingrepparttar skin is important torepparttar 130784 final finish. To effectively cleanserepparttar 130785 skin, NEVER, EVER use soap offrepparttar 130786 shelf ofrepparttar 130787 drugstore or grocery mart. A professional cleansing product that is specifically developed for your skin type is mandatory. World-class products, supplied by IH Distribution, include Cleansing Cream for dry skin, Cleansing Lotion for oily skin, hydrating wash with anti-aging properties for mature skin. More information about these products can be obtained from Next, NEVER scrub your face with a washcloth, always userepparttar 130788 fingertips. Rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.

A critical step often missed isrepparttar 130789 use of a toner or freshener, which is also directly tailored to your skin type; this is important because it will remove any remaining oil, debris, or remnantsrepparttar 130790 cleanser left behind. Then, usingrepparttar 130791 proper moisturizer (again, tailored to your skin type) is paramount.

The foundation used is vitally important because where eye shadow, blush and lipstick may accent your facial features;repparttar 130792 foundation setsrepparttar 130793 tone for a woman's visual appearance. Find a shade that disappears into your skin, which will berepparttar 130794 correct shade for your complexion. IH Distribution has 15 different shades for which one perfectly matches everyone’s skin. The About Face Line Defiance Makeup is SPF8, which smoothesrepparttar 130795 look of fine lines and wrinkles. The new line of liquid makeup is blended with vitamins A & E to protect againstrepparttar 130796 invisible enemy - Time.

When using a blush to accent facial features, use a slightly darker shade to provide a contour to your face and provide cheekbones that "lift" from your face. Start atrepparttar 130797 earlobe down towardsrepparttar 130798 cheek so a "glob" isn't left onrepparttar 130799 cheek. Use a blush that is lighter in color to bring outrepparttar 130800 highlights.

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