Inspiration Has Job Security

Written by Stephan Miller

The deadline for your ezine was yesterday. You have nothing to say. The last week you have spent preparing for a vacation, working overtime at your day job, fighting with your girlfriend. Just fill inrepparttar blank. Oh wait, you don't have to. Somehow there is always an excuse to fill that blank. So, what do you do now?

You can choose one ofrepparttar 128745 easiest ways out. Send out an e-mail that you are sick andrepparttar 128746 ezine will be out next week atrepparttar 128747 normal time. But this doesn't feel right, because you are lying to yourself. You could grabrepparttar 128748 first free article onrepparttar 128749 net you find to throw in there and just userepparttar 128750 same links you did last week and haverepparttar 128751 thing out in less than an hour. No, you pride yourself on writing at least a part of your newsletter every week and putting together a well-rounded issue, one that readers save. There are plenty of examples of junk ezines onrepparttar 128752 net and you don't want yours to rank with those. After all, you worked hard for your subscribers and disappointing them is not an option.

What we are talking about here is writer's block. Something you think is reserved for poets and other "literary artists." An internet marketer can't have writer's block. But somehow, after those few months or days of flow,repparttar 128753 ideas you have carefully saved and knew were great when you wrote them down have deteriorated in your notebook. Who could have known that they had a shelf life? And why is it thatrepparttar 128754 more free time you have,repparttar 128755 easier it is to put off writing that new article?

There is a cure for writer's block. It is simple and you can start today. It happens to berepparttar 128756 latest breakthrough in science and 9 out of 10 medical doctors now recommend it. First, take a piece of paper. Second get yourself a pen, a disposable will do. Now, start writing. With that first dark line onrepparttar 128757 white paper, you have been miraculously cured. All you have to do now is to keep that pen moving downrepparttar 128758 paper. If you have to be Jack Nicholson in "The Shining" and write "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." over and over, do it. At least you are cured and eventually your mind will become bored and you will reach that spot again. You know that spot. It'srepparttar 128759 spot where you wish ViaVoice actually worked, because your fingers can't keep up with your mind.

Creative Writing - where to find fresh ideas

Written by Stephanie Cage

“I’ve got to prepare a talk tonight. I think I’ll just pop over torepparttar idea store for some fresh concepts.”

“I’ll do some work onrepparttar 128743 novel, then. Could you get me a bag of inspiration while you’re over there? Oh, on second thoughts, why not stop by Sarah’s first? She might have some spare.”

What a pity it doesn’t work that way. There’s no one ready-made source of great ideas. They don’t just arrive to order, oven-fresh and neatly packaged, from Ideas-to-go. Yet, at some point, each of us will need to summon up ideas for a talk or a piece of writing, perhaps under pressure of a deadline.

So what can we do to helprepparttar 128744 process along?

Know how you work best. For some people, ideas bubble up while they’re taking a shower or washingrepparttar 128745 dishes, for others they shape up best on a jog or onrepparttar 128746 daily drive to work. Some people like to kick ideas around with a few like-minded friends, while others work best alone and in silence. Some find that time pressure results in their best ideas, while for others it induces panic and blankness.

Keep track of what gets your creative juices flowing and take advantage of it.

Relax. Creativity guru Jurgen Wolf (whose site is a treasure trove of creative ideas) suggests sleeping onrepparttar 128747 problem whenever possible. Just before going to sleep, and just after waking, are amongrepparttar 128748 most fertile periods for developing new ideas, so take advantage of this by keeping a pen and pad onrepparttar 128749 bedside table. If you don’t have time to sleep on it, put your feet up and a favourite CD on (many people find classical music, especially Bach and Mozart, very effective).

Start from your own experience. Look at your education, your career and your hobbies and interests. Nobody else has had quiterepparttar 128750 same experiences as you, and other people will be interested in hearing about new topics. Even activities they share, such as parenting, or working life, can still provide interesting material when looked at from your own unique angle, especially if your experiences of them have been amusing or educational.

Look out for issues you feel strongly about. Most people have a few topics that act like a red rag to a bull - if you don’t know what yours are, just ask your friends! Or flick through a paper and watch out for news that makes you want to grab your pen and dash off a letter torepparttar 128751 editor. Any topic you feel strongly about will make for powerful and sincere writing, and even if you only know a little aboutrepparttar 128752 subject, you can always do some research to fill inrepparttar 128753 gaps.

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