Infopreneur - Overlooked Golden Opportunity

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

What it takes to be an infopreneur onrepparttar internet.

If you like to teach, enjoying writing and write well, and have or can get access to a body of knowledge that other people are willing to pay good money for, then you could be best served by getting intorepparttar 119645 information marketing business.

Noticerepparttar 119646 three qualities you need to have forrepparttar 119647 info marketing business to work for you:

Quality #1 - 'You like to teach'. This doesn't mean you have to have had formal, professional experience as a teacher, but it does mean that you'rerepparttar 119648 kind of person who enjoys takingrepparttar 119649 time to break difficult information down so people who are new torepparttar 119650 subject can learn it too.

Quality #2 - 'You enjoy writing and write well'repparttar 119651 info marketing business is about generating words...lots and lots of words; content, ads, articles, reports, books, home study course, seminars.

You don't have to be Shakespeare and you don't have to write everything you need all at once, but to makerepparttar 119652 big bucks in info marketing, you have to be on a friendly basis with your word processor.

Quality #3 - 'You have or can get access to a body of knowledge that people are willing to pay good money for'.

The good news about being an info marketer is you don't need to be *the* ultimate expert onrepparttar 119653 information you sell.

You can always partner with another person who hasrepparttar 119654 subject expertise. This can work very well if you pickrepparttar 119655 right partner. The thing you need to know is that partnerships are difficult at best. The right one can transform your destiny, butrepparttar 119656 wrong one can cause you endless headaches.

Why Trying to "Get the Appointment" Can be a Recipe for Dis-Appoinment

Written by Ari Galper

Why Trying to "Getrepparttar Appointment" Can be a Recipe for Dis-Appoinment

Last week, this e-mail from Jack arrived in my inbox:

To: Ari Galper From: Jack Subj.: Help! I need to get more appointments Dear Ari,

I've just coined a new disease forrepparttar 119644 medical books, and I'm hoping you can help me cure it.

Have you ever heard of "freezing-up-on-the-first-call paralysis"? It's brought on byrepparttar 119645 stress of selling!

I'm new to sales, and, as I've been starting out, I've studied allrepparttar 119646 programs from allrepparttar 119647 "sales masters."

They all insist that, when I call new prospects, I should be laser-focused on getting appointments.

The problem is, when I make that first call and leadrepparttar 119648 conversation towardrepparttar 119649 goal of getting an appointment, I hit a "wall."

I know that if I can just get face-to-face with prospects, they'll seerepparttar 119650 value of my solution -- but I can't even get there because they shut me down.

When they tell me "I'm not interested" or "I'm busy now" or "We already have a vendor," I'm left with nowhere to go.

What's worse, I can't even come up with what to say next.

Can you recommend some "medicine" that will help?

Always open-minded,


"Whew!" I thought when I read this. "That's an intense e-mail!" Jack's e-mail started me thinking aboutrepparttar 119651 hundreds of conversations I've had with many of you who are out there selling your solutions day in and day out.

I realized that his "disease" is so pervasive that those of you who are suffering from it could probably use a "prescription" fromrepparttar 119652 Unlock The Game™ pharmacy.

This was my response to Jack:

To: Jack From: Ari Galper Subj.: RE: Help? I need to make more appointments

Dear Jack,

First of all, thank you so much for being open to sharing your painful selling challenge.

You articulated so beautifully what so many other people are experiencing, and I hope you won't mind if I share your e-mail and this response with my newsletter subscribers.

Here's why you've been afflicted with this "disease"-- and what you can do to cure it.

The "wall" you hit when you try to getrepparttar 119653 appointment isrepparttar 119654 prospect's reaction to you putting your own objectives ahead ofrepparttar 119655 crucial trust-building process that would actually allow an appointment to emerge.

By laser-focusing on gettingrepparttar 119656 appointment, you're sabotaging three factors that are vital if you're going to build trust.

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