Infant Circumcision

Written by Rexanne Mancini

If circumcision were a choice I had to have made, I would have run frantically fromrepparttar hospital with my newborn son to protect him fromrepparttar 110711 procedure. His father would have chased me down, insisting his son “look like he did.” All I can say is I’m terribly relieved I didn’t have to live through that. Nor did I have to makerepparttar 110712 agonizing choice of protecting my baby from pain or disrespecting my husband. It would have been a huge battle of conscience. I was spared and given daughters.

The decision to circumcise an infant boy or not is, inrepparttar 110713 USA and I’m assuming, most ofrepparttar 110714 world, still a parent’s sole responsibility. More and more doctors and pediatricians are recommending against routine circumcision. The controversy is beginning to reach epidemic proportions and will soon be a major issue facing new parents. I feel very sorry for those parents. They will be bombarded with opinions at every turn and surely go though hell with it, unless they have settled this issue between them beforerepparttar 110715 baby’s birth. Hopefully, they will agree. The problem I foresee isrepparttar 110716 parents not agreeing on circumcision, creating a stressful situation where there should be only joy.

Cultural tradition and religious practices notwithstanding, there is no longer a medical or rational reason to circumcise a child other than for purely “cosmetic” reasons. Circumcision is a very painful procedure, performed on a completely innocent and unsuspecting baby. This procedure rattles me torepparttar 110717 point that I have refused to attendrepparttar 110718 Bris of more than one friend’s baby son. (A Bris is a Jewish ceremony whereby a Rabbi circumcises an infant boy ... with a lot of witnesses.) Please understand, I have absolutely nothing againstrepparttar 110719 Jewish faith. I have nothing against any faith, even if I do not agree with their beliefs or practices. I DO, however, have something against anyone who inflicts pain on an innocent child. This would include some cultures that also routinely circumcise adolescent girls. If we agree that this is a barbaric ceremony, can we then apply some of that sensibility to infant boys? Sure, male circumcision does not alter a boy sexually but it does cause considerable pain to our babies without any apparent benefit torepparttar 110720 child. The issue of cleanliness is no longer a factor. In modern society, frequent bathing is as common as brushing one’s hair.

Grieving Children

Written by Rexanne Mancini

While it is my belief that death is just one more experience to seek growth and soul development in our current physical forms, losing a loved one is never easy. Our family has experienced its fair share of grief inrepparttar past few years. We’ve lost my sister-in-law (my daughters’ aunt), a beloved uncle and a cherished pet, to name just a few.

I try to reassure my daughters that a loved one who has moved on is safe and happy, however, we still need to grieve and acceptrepparttar 110710 inevitable feelings of loss and sadness. Loved ones will be missed. Opportunities to share life and experiences will have been cut short. They know that it’s OK to feel sad and to cry. As soon as possible afterrepparttar 110711 initial shock and sadness over losing a cherished one has passed, I try to bring happy memories ofrepparttar 110712 person back into our lives. It’s important to rememberrepparttar 110713 love and lessons we’ve learned from them with joy in our hearts and with respect forrepparttar 110714 time we’ve had to share our lives in their company.

I tell my daughters that they can talk torepparttar 110715 person who has passed on any time they feel like it. That person will now always be available to listen. We will still feel love for our missed relative or pet and we includerepparttar 110716 departed soul in our prayers until it feels right to let them go. We ask that they are well taken care of and loved as much as we love them. This helps ease their anxiety ofrepparttar 110717 unknown and allows them to feel that their loved one is in some way protected from whatever they might imagine exists “out there.”

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