Independence Day - Free Your Mind

Written by Kathy Paauw

"Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice." -Stephen Covey

I sawrepparttar movie Pearl Harbor over Memorial Day weekend. It served as a good reminder ofrepparttar 124074 tremendous cost of freedom. There is also a tremendous cost to not having freedom.

In a physical sense, most of us enjoy freedom. In an emotional or psychological sense, however, an estimated 80% ofrepparttar 124075 population puts themselves into a self-imposed prison cell on a regular basis. We forfeit our freedom of choice through our own thought processes. I frequently hear my clients say, "I have to" or "I gotta" or "I should" And when I hear those phrases I often ask, "Do you have to or do you choose to?" There are very few things in life that we have to do. Yet some of us forfeit our choice torepparttar 124076 point of seeing our options in life as limited. This generally leads to a feeling of hopelessness.

There are indeed times when you are not at choice. When you are not at choice, you may be a victim. And sometimes you might slip intorepparttar 124077 victim role when, in fact, you do have choices. The first step toward getting out of a self-imposed victim role is to recognizerepparttar 124078 choices you have.

Exercise Your Free Will

"Independent will is our capacity to act. It gives usrepparttar 124079 power to transcend our paradigms, to swim upstream, to rewrite our scripts, to act based on principle rather than reacting based on emotion or circumstance." -Stephen Covey

We have been givenrepparttar 124080 ability to examine our conscious thoughts and choose how we react in any given situation. We learn at a very early age that if we act a certain way, we will achieve a certain result.

Oftenrepparttar 124081 result we opt for is safety. And safety is necessary to preserve our physical well-being. However, our desire to be "safe" sometimes paralyzes our ability to exercise our free will. From childhood on, most of us have been programmed to "play it safe," and this often affectsrepparttar 124082 choices we make as adults. We tell ourselves, "That was so disappointing before, so I better not take that chance again."

Do you allow your fear of hurt, rejection, or failure to determine how much risk you are willing to take? What isrepparttar 124083 cost of doing this? Perhaps you're stuck in a job or career path you hate, or you are in a relationship that does not serve you, or you've chosen not to pursue a relationship you want. Do you struggle with low self-esteem and self- confidence? If so, you are probably severely hampering your ability to manifest what you want in your life by convincing yourself that you should not try, or that you do not deserve what you really want. Our choices are strongly influenced by our disempowering emotions. By learning to recognize and step out of experiencing these emotions, a whole new world of possibility will be available to you.

I know this from personal experience. For 13 years I chose to stay in a stressful career that I did not find fulfilling. The more time I invested in that career path,repparttar 124084 less at choice I felt. At one point I took an exam to receive a special certification in my field. When I passedrepparttar 124085 exam and was certified, I felt like there was no turning back! I told myself, "I can't leave this field now look how much I've invested in it!" And besides, I had no idea what else I could possibly do. Fear held me back, until one dayrepparttar 124086 pain of not making a change outweighedrepparttar 124087 fear ofrepparttar 124088 unknown.

Susan Jeffers, author of Feelrepparttar 124089 Fear and Do it Anyway, teaches us how to stop negative thinking patterns and reeducate our minds to think more positively. In her book, she shows us how to risk a little every day, how to turn every decision into a "No-Lose" situation, and much more.

When my clients focus on their values -- what is most important to them atrepparttar 124090 core -- they are more at choice and less at effect. They recognize that they haverepparttar 124091 freedom to choose based on their own values, versus being influenced by limiting beliefs, circumstances, orrepparttar 124092 opinions of others. One ofrepparttar 124093 great joys of being a coach is that I get to journey with my clients as they createrepparttar 124094 work and play they are most passionate about. When passion and talents/skills intersect, there is no limit torepparttar 124095 possibilities!

Inside-Out Thinking

"If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good torepparttar 124096 world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all." -Anna Quindlen

Most of us grew up with an "outside-in" model of thinking. In other words, we have been influenced byrepparttar 124097 advice and opinions of others rather than trustingrepparttar 124098 answers from within. When we followrepparttar 124099 outside-in model,repparttar 124100 results do not usually bring about a deep level of satisfaction or fulfillment. Outside-in thinking means that we try to change, improve, or transform ourselves and our circumstances based on what others think. Outside-in thinking represents a reactive model, based on external circumstances. Not only is this less effective, but it usually takes more effort and energy.

The "inside-out" model of thinking represents a proactive model, which is based on accessing one's own internal wisdom and core values. The word "proactive" means more than merely taking initiative. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We can subordinate feelings to values. We haverepparttar 124101 initiative andrepparttar 124102 responsibility to make things happen. When we align our actions withrepparttar 124103 essence of who we are and what we value most, we are usingrepparttar 124104 inside-out model. As each of us more fully honors our essential selves and our values, outer conditions begin to change, improve, and even transform.

Finding Inspiration to Realise Your Dreams and Ambitions

Written by Pamela Heywood

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, butrepparttar really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." Mark Twain

Anyone learning to do business online (it is a constant learning curve), will, I hope, find something of benefit here. At my business site,, you'll find allrepparttar 124073 typical resources, but what ofrepparttar 124074 more important and fundamental "tools" you need to get this show onrepparttar 124075 road?

Important, such as?

Oh, just little things like attitude, finding inspiration, nurturing your creativity, tenacity ... Simply, learningrepparttar 124076 secrets to realising your dreams and achievingrepparttar 124077 success you desire, without going completely nuts inrepparttar 124078 process.

You do have to findrepparttar 124079 inspiration, motivation and sheer discipline to work long hours, initially for very little return and without someone supervising you. But, if you can dream it (I am a real day-dreamer!), you CAN make it reality. I used to doubt that, but I have found it to be entirely true. I think you just have to want something enough then do something about it.

Wanting more is normal?

Whyrepparttar 124080 question mark? Doesn't everyone want something better? Can they all have it? If we all got more, who would be left with less? (Normal, I can tell you, is just a setting on a washing- machine!)

Are there people who are as happy as pigs inrepparttar 124081 proverbial punching in atrepparttar 124082 factory 5 days a week, watching football at weekends, going to bed at 11 p.m. and not wanting more than that? Personally, I think not. There may be some who have not realised yet what their "more" is and there are lots who are afraid to try anything new, but I think deep down, we all want something we don't have.

It isn't always material things, but whatever it is, it is what keeps us striving. And because everyone's "more" will be as unique asrepparttar 124083 person themselves, then yes, I do believe that we can all have it: i.e. it is worth pursuing your ambitions, no matter how abnormal they may appear.

You'll face problems, overcoming them isrepparttar 124084 key

Yeah, that was obvious, wasn't it? You don't need problems, you need solutions and what you may forget is that most of them you already have -- right there in your own mind and attitudes. No, I'm not saying you have an "attitude problem", although I'll admit I've been told I have, many times!

Amongrepparttar 124085 problems I have faced, and I imagine you have or will too, initially stem from needing to take what is virtually a "Leap of Faith" into unknown territory. I have done that to a foreign country and survived (not necessarily with my sanity intact, but alive enough to tellrepparttar 124086 tale).

If you announce your intentions work for yourself, especially onrepparttar 124087 net, I'll bet you last year's salary that someone in your immediate circle of family and friends will take a sharp intake of breath ... if they don't actually belly-laugh. Now if that isn't inspiration destroying, I don't know what is!

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