Increasing Event Attendance

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

Increasing event attendance is generallyrepparttar biggest challenge facing meeting and event planners. Many people think that if they plan a fantastic event, people will just come. This does not happen, not on its own. In fact, this can be confusing and disturbing to those responsible for hosting and completingrepparttar 136357 event. Do you hire a Public Relations firm to help withrepparttar 136358 publicity, which is supposed to lead to more attendees? Or do you depend onrepparttar 136359 “lists” of likely people to attend. It can be a little of both. Hiring PR firms and solely depending on their ability to drive attendance up can be a big mistake. A PR firm’s responsibility is to bring in publicity, not attendees. In fact,repparttar 136360 media rarely does stories on events that have not yet happened.

Advertisingrepparttar 136361 event can be costly too. It will increase awareness ofrepparttar 136362 event, while not necessarily targetingrepparttar 136363 people most likely to attend. In fact, unlessrepparttar 136364 advertising is directed at a specific, highly targeted group of individuals,repparttar 136365 cost ofrepparttar 136366 ad will far outweigh any likelihood that more people will come.

So, just what will increase attendance? Mailing lists! However, not just any mailing list. Many associations and organizations experience a decrease in attendance for their events overrepparttar 136367 years. Why? Because they keep usingrepparttar 136368 same mailing lists over and over again. In fact, when events are new, more people are likely to attend just to “check it out.” Then attendance starts falling off. In order to keep that from happening, you must develop a specific targeted mailing list and a solid action plan to userepparttar 136369 list that will ultimately increase your attendance. Here are a few strategies you can use to see immediate results:

· Research other available mailing lists. Look for associations and organizations who present events to similar audiences. Offer to trade sponsor recognition in exchange for their mailing lists. The sponsorship could include a table at your event for them to distribute promotional literature. It could include their name and logo in your brochures, programs and other printed materials. It could include an exchange of your mailing list (for a one time only use). Negotiate what they would accept or develop sponsorship guidelines to include what they would receive. This will cost you nothing and your mailing list could go from 1,000 to 10,000 (or more). Of course, it will cost more to mail to more people. When my church decided to host an auction, we researched other organization that had hosted auctions inrepparttar 136370 past. We were able to trade lists with some of them, resulting in a list triplerepparttar 136371 size we started with. The result: nearly half ofrepparttar 136372 attendees came from those other lists.

· Since printing and mailing to a larger list will increase costs of promotion, use other strategies to save money. Print inexpensive brochures that are self mailers (saves on envelopes). Use a two-color process instead of four color. Use creative designs that catchrepparttar 136373 eye and save on printing. Bidding is always a good business practice; haverepparttar 136374 printing “bid” on, unless your printer sponsorsrepparttar 136375 printing in exchange for exposure. Use bulk mail instead of first class. It saves tons in postage, enabling you to mail to more potential attendees.

It Takes Two - How to Cultivate Profitable, Strategic Alliances To Increase Your Market Share

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

"Cross promoting with other businesses can give you a significant advantage overrepparttar competition, with many benefits and cost savings." - Heidi Richards

More and more competition inrepparttar 136326 marketplace is making it necessary for companies to find creative ways to connect with customers and prospects, to enhance brand identity and attract top-notch employees. In order to enhance competitiveness in today’s marketplace, more and more companies are forming strategic alliances. Strategic alliances can maximize your position inrepparttar 136327 marketplace. When you learn how to leverage partnerships you increase your market share. It is also a very smart way to grow a small business. Cross promoting with other businesses can give you a significant advantage overrepparttar 136328 competition with many benefits and cost savings.

A strategic alliance is based on an arrangement between two companies to combine resource that will help both gain a greater share ofrepparttar 136329 market. They are often formed when one business alone is unable to fillrepparttar 136330 gap in servingrepparttar 136331 needs ofrepparttar 136332 marketplace. Forming strategic alliances can save time and boost productivity. It enables companies to be more efficient and concentrate onrepparttar 136333 core strengths in developing their products and services. These alliances can be formal (partnership agreement is put in writing) or informal (a handshake is all that is necessary to “sealrepparttar 136334 deal”).

There are several ways you can collaborate with another business or individual to increase revenue, traffic, and even expertise to your business which ultimately will increaserepparttar 136335 value torepparttar 136336 end-user (customer). Note: you can read more details about strategic alliances inrepparttar 136337 new book Self-Marketing Manual (release date, October 15th). Send an email to with Manual inrepparttar 136338 subject line and you will receive a pre-publication order form.

Findrepparttar 136339 Right Partners

Collaborate with a well-known company - Most small businesses benefit from partnerships that add value, prestige and greater credibility to their own endeavors. Associating with a well-known business can give your company instant credibility and exposure. It’s not always aboutrepparttar 136340 bottom line.

Collaborate with Your Best Customers – Look atrepparttar 136341 company or companies who dorepparttar 136342 most business with yours. Work with them to solidifyrepparttar 136343 relationship by offering them more than just good products and service. Make it nearly impossible for them to consider going anywhere else. Continually asking them why they do business with you and why they stay arerepparttar 136344 best ways to keep them.

Collaborate withrepparttar 136345 Nonprofit Community – Joining forces with nonprofits can increase your circle of influence and your visibility inrepparttar 136346 community. For more ideas on cause-related marketing, send a message to with “cause-related marketing inrepparttar 136347 subject line.

Collaborate with a Former Employer – You offer a product or servicerepparttar 136348 former employer needs and provide it to them. You become a subcontractor or vendor to them. One of my dear friends worked for a fast-food company as their corporate trainer. When she decided to go into business for herself, they hired her to continue to provide training to their employees for several years. As her first major contract,repparttar 136349 collaboration they created started her company onrepparttar 136350 road to success, and she still travels and does work for them.

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