Increase Your Google AdWords CTR

Written by Justin Hallman

Want to increase your AdWords CTR (click through rate) and drive more traffic to your site? My favorite AdWords feature isrepparttar ability to run multiple ad campaigns simultaneously and compare instantly updated data side by side. Let's say, you have started a new website, which features reviews for popular children's products. You currently have an ad campaign running that is getting a CTR of 1.1% (that's about average). Your ad goes something like this, "Kid's Product Reviews. What you must know before you buy, etc". Now, you can create a new ad, run it side by side withrepparttar 100566 old ad and get instant feedback inrepparttar 100567 form of precision point

Article Writing For Fame And Fortune

Written by Randy Justason

How would you like to have your name and web address spread all overrepparttar internet?

How would you like to have your web site move up torepparttar 100565 first few pages onrepparttar 100566 major search engines?

Actually, it's not as difficult as you may think. It requires some time and effort on your part, however,repparttar 100567 rewards can far outweighrepparttar 100568 effort that you put in.

Not only can you receive thousands of dollars worth of free advertising and promotion, but you can also develop a reputation as a smart person, one who many people would like to be affiliated with.

So, just what is this all-powerful genie of self promotion?

Believe it or not, it's Article Writing.

That's right,repparttar 100569 absolute best method that I have found to get free advertising is to write articles and submit them to ezine publishers and article directories. Website owners and ezine publishers are always looking for content for their sites and newsletters. Why not let them publish yours.

Let me give you an example ofrepparttar 100570 power of writing. I had written just 1 home business article and submitted it to about a dozen online article submission sites. Prior to this, when I checked Google to see how many links I had coming in to my site, MLM Wonders, it showed only 37 links. About 2 weeks after submitting my article I checked again and had well over 300 links incoming.

If you're not sure what that means, let me explain.

By submitting my article to those few sites, I was giving anyonerepparttar 100571 permission to download it and use it as content on their sites. By checking just one ofrepparttar 100572 sites I submitted to I found that my article was downloaded over 150 times. So, if 150 people put my article on their web site, just think ofrepparttar 100573 exposure (and links) I am getting.

If you considerrepparttar 100574 fact that those 150 web sites may get thousands of views each month, my little article could be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. All at no cost to me!

You may also be thinking that people do not want to read articles that are just advertisements with a lot of links in them so how does that let you promote your site.

You're right about that, and also remember that most article submission sites will not let you submit articles that are just advertisements for your site or products. In fact I don't put any links intorepparttar 100575 body of my articles.

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